School Fire Pt.2 Chapter 21

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Readers POV
"(Y/N)!" He ran over to me but he stopped when i shouted for him not to come closer, eyes wide with fear. "Please...don't come closer. The floor is caving in" His hand reaching out for me, "Grab for my Han-claw!" I slowly stood up and reached out for him, steadily taking a step closer...CRACK...The floor beneath me giving in. Both mine and Jacks eyes widened as I was about to plummet to the ground, my heart caught in my throat. "(Y/N)!" He skillfully grabbed my hand, my weak body hanging. The only thing keeping me alive was Jacks hand refusing to let me go. I looked down to see the floors under me were burnt and bits of wood sticking up from the broken floor boards, the second floor completely burnt down. "Jack don't let me go please!" Tears now clouding my vision, fearing death.

Laughing Jack's POV
I would teleport if i could but I have to wait for it to charge up, still having to wait another two minutes. My grip was slowly loosening, her eyes full of tears. "I'll never let you go!" Letting go of her hand and grabbing her by the wrist, securely tightening my grip on her. My long arm was shaking, it felt like it was going to give out. Work with me here body, I need her to live. She looked down at the burning flames below her then back up at me, sheer terror. I then noticed she wasn't looking at me, but above me. The roof was shattering, a large beam dangling above me. "Jack, let go of me! I don't want you getting hurt for me, it's not worth it! Just let go!" "I'm not letting go" I yelled back. Coughing from the amount smoke entering my lungs, my body shaking as i began to see double vision. The dangling pillar collapsed and falling, "Argh!" a crushing weight was now on my back and waist. My grip loosening once again. "Jack let go! Please, you're hurt!" 30 seconds. 


Looking above (Y/n) to see a sharp piece of wood, numerous nails pointing out of it. Time slowing as It was fell past my face, barely missing. My eyes widened as if fell past me, following it with my eyes to see it heading straight for (Y/n)'s face. Trying to swing her out the way, the pain in my back was to much for me to move. "Ah!" I watched as the piece of wood collided with her face, the nails slicing open her left cheek. Blood was now dripping from her face, passed out from pain. Her entire left row of teeth now visible, just like Toby's injury. The floor under me cracked, falling through it. Wrapping my arms around her waist as we fell, the flames burning around us. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as we fell, just about to fall into the flames and the pit of broken wood sticking out ready to penetrate our bodies.


I teleported me and her to slender mansion, holding her bridal style. An excruciating pain emitting from my back knowing it was bruised and bleeding, something was defiantly broken. I carried her bloody body to slender, "Slender, help her please!" now on my knees begging before the tall faceless man. Our blood smothered bodies aching, "Very well child, we will talk about this later. E.j and Dr smiley, help him and the girl" "Thank you" My vision was now growing blurry, the last thing I saw was (Y/n) being taken out of my arms. Blacking out once she was out of sight. 

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now