Blindfolds Chapter 28

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Jack let go of me, sitting beside me while staring apologetically at my bleeding eyes and wrists. "After you left, my parents gave me away for a year to some lab...They did experiments on me everyday and injected a green and blue liquid into my body...they put syringes in my eyes, electrocuted me, cut me open, and they made me kill innocent people. They forced me to. They made me a such a young age, keeping it to myself for years. My skin was ripped from my body, and took my freedom. Are you happy now" Sat beside me in utter silence, emotions such as Anger, sadness, guilt, hate and pain building up within his gut. "I'm sorry, I should've stayed with you. To protect you but I was selfish and left, but I swear I will kill every last one of them" "No need, they're all quite gone now" I quietly whispered scared of hid reaction. "What was that?" His voice laced with curiosity. " I said there is no need, they're all dead. I killed them after I escaped, I set fire to the lab and ran. All at the age of 9" To say he was surprised was an understatement, wiping away the blood that slivered down my cheeks. "Fair play kiddo" I giggled as he pulled me into another tight hug, afraid to let go. "I'm sorry for not telling you" "No I'm the one who should be sorry, I left you and let you get hurt. Please forgive me I ne-" Cutting him short of his sentence "It wasn't your fault, I understand and I love you" I pushed my head further into the crook of his neck feeling his warmth. "I love you too, kiddo"

We stayed like that for a couple of moments, the loving embrace growing tighter and securer. "Jack, my eyes are really hurt" Bringing his clawed hand up to my face to block the light out, quickly pulling away and grabbing something. I kept my eyes closed as his hand moved away, the slightest bit of light burning me eyes. Feeling Jack behind me as something cold covered my eyes and all I could see was black, the material wrapped around my eyes. "I've put on a blindfold, I'll help you around the house for now" "Thank you Jack" The blood was still dripping down my cheeks and wasn't coming to a stop any time soon, "Here, grab my hand" I felt around for his hand and once I found it, I held onto it then attached myself to his arm. Carefully following his lead, i feel sorry for the blind.

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now