Revenge Chapter 36

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Jinnx's POV

"Dad have you seen Luka?" I asked my drunken father, desperately awaiting the answer i hoped for. "Nope. *Hiccup* Why would I know?" Subconsciously mumbling beneath my breath, "If only mom could see you now" "Well she can't can she. She's already good as dead to us!" Dropping the bag within my hands to the ground, my arms loosely beside me as i stood with wide yet teary eyes. His arms embracing me in a tight yet warm hug, hiding my face in his chest. "I'm sorry, its not the same without her. Its so damn hard, i'm a poor excuse for a father, ill do better. The father you need and deserve"

Luka's POV
So here I stood, staring down the evil lord himself. The bastard Zalgo, king of hell. "12 Years ago an innocent girl by the name of (y/n) (l/n) was shot on her front doorstep, do you recall such events? Was it important enough to have stuck within that tiny shriveled ballsack of yours you call a brain?" Venom spiking my every word, my glare never leaving his intrigued eyes. 

"How about this, Fight me, if I think you're strong enough to rival me then I will happily give you my minion, you can do whatever you please to him. Might i say, you look so much like that stupid monochrome clown!" Zalgo bellowing so all-mightily, readying my stance. "He may be stupid, a dick, yes. But he is not cold hearted! I will not hear that from you of all people!" "Hmm? I suppose you're a fighter like him, as you wish, lets get started" His form stepping down from his blood stained throne surrounded by goods, the scent of rotting corpses growing unbearable. 

My claws slashed along his chest digging deep, thick blood oozing from his wounds. Myself more injured then him, still standing tall for her. My mother. "You're strong i'll admit it, you pass boy. As you requested, the one that killed your mother is right here" His hand motioning to the cowering demon beside his throne slowly stepping down, fear evident in his eyes. "You summoned me Sir Zalgo" He was cut off as my clawed hand made contact with his chest, I scratched and scratched at his chest as I ripped out his eyes and tongue, I grabbed his heart and ripped it out and continued to pull his organs out. Blood now covering both me and Zalgo as we looked down at the now mangled and disformed body. "You really did one on him kid"

I got what i need, i have no reason to stay here, in this world even. "Feel free to come back here~"

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now