Jeff's Torn Body Chapter 17

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Readers POV 

Jack grabbed Jeff's knife and lifted his arms above his head, I knew what he was going to do and wouldn't allow it. Swinging his arms back down ready to plunge the knife into the boys heart, my legs responded by themselves, quickly grabbing onto his arms to stop him from killing him. "Jack don't, you have done enough damage to him already" His eyes casting down upon his mangled body, standing to his feet and pulling me close for a hug. "I'm so sorry Kiddo" Uncontrollable sobbing into his chest as he tightened the embrace, stroking my hair repeatedly. "I'm here now"

Laughing Jack's POV

I looked back at Jeff's body, letting out a low growl while holding onto (Y/n) securely.Carefully picking her up bridal style and carrying her crying and shaking body down stairs and into the living room. Just to keep her away from the sight of the disfigured body, she had seen enough. I lay her on the sofa and bandaged her wounds, careful to not apply too much pressure and hurt her. When I was done I went back up stairs. teleporting him back to the mansion somewhere, really not caring what happened to it. 

BEN Drowned POV
I was about to beat my new score on the best game ever, Call Of Duty Ghosts. My adrenaline rising as it closed in on the end, cheering myself on. "Come on I can do this!" Luck was not on my side, screaming in anger as the camping twat shot me. "You little fucka!" Just as i was raging, something fell out of nowhere and landed in front of me, landing on the ground with a loud Splat. The shit scared right out of me "Ah! J-Jeff? Dude what happened to you!? Shit I should probably get someone"

Laughing Jack's POV
"I thought you left again" Her voice sneaking past her quivering lips, arms tangling around my waist one again. "What was that Kiddo?" What did she mean left again, hesitant to answer. "N-nothing" She is hiding something and i don't like it, i will know what it is. Pinning her onto the couch so my body hovered over hers, "(Y/n), tell me what you meant when you said 'Left again'" my voice raising scaring her.Leaning in closer as she sank deeper within the cushions of the couch, her eyes brimming with tears. 

"You were my best and only friend, b-but you left and f-forgot me" 

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now