Pregnancy Chapter 30

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It has been two months and I had been puking a lot, mostly when jack wasn't around, desperately trying to keep my sickness hidden. I was slowly gaining a lot of weight, the size of my stomach growing bigger and bigger by each week. It wasn't that big fortunately, i wasn't the size of a balloon just yet, and Jack hasn't noticed or has the slightest bit of suspicion. Loosing my appetite and only to just to throw up the contents i had taken in, Jack couldn't take care of me, he had been given a lot of mission to do, leaving me on my own. My thoughts were too dangerous for me to be left alone with them, settling upon the idea of going to Slender mansion to see Eyeless Jack.

Casually walking into the mansion, the first thing I saw was Jeff thrusting his knife repeatedly at BEN, the poor soul running for his life. "BEN, i'm guessing you cheated" "Yea he did!"Jeff was angry, i was trying so hard not to laugh seeing BEN squeak underneath him, admiring the scene before me. "You two would make a perfect couple" They both turned to glare at me, if looks could kill, jeez I would be six feet under. "Have you seen E.J?" I asked trying to change the subject, stopping them from killing me instead. "He's in his room, now, I suggest you run before I slit your throat!" Jeff screamed at me and started running after me, sprinting my way to Jack's room and slamming the door on his face, hearing something hit the floor. "Score! Take that you bitch!" Screaming at him from the other side of the door knowing i had knocked him out.

Turning on the heel of my shoe to be met with an unfamiliar site, Jack with mask in hand wiping the remaining amount of blood from around his grey lips. "Sorry for the sudden intrusion" His empty eye sockets never leaving my direction as i spoke, lifting his arm to place the mask back on. "No! You don't have to put it on, I won't judge or tell the others what you look like, I promise." He slowly nodded, allowing me a full view of his chiseled face. "What did you want?" Oh man were the words hard to form, a tight ball scratching at the insides of my throat. "I think i'm pregnant"

His mouth hung open wide as he sat there motionless, once regaining his composure he told me to come and lay on his bed so he could check. Slightly pulling at the hem of my shirt and lifting, cold hands resting on my bare stomach searching for the hint of a heartbeat. His dark eyebrows furrowing in confusion, the look on his face worrying me. "Is something wrong?" "The child is growing way too quick for a human, I know about your childhood and the experiments so I think that may have something to do with this. I think it has sped up the process of the babies growth." My eyes widened in fear, gently pushing his hands away. "How is that possible?" Tears filled my eyes as my body began to shake violently, "Do not worry, it will be due in about two more months, just take it easy" "Thank you Jack, but how do I tell L.J?" His non existent eyes glaring at me, i think he was glaring? "To be honest I think he wanted a child, even though he kills kids he always said he wanted one of his own, he would never harm them. So I think he will be happy just be careful though, don't piss him off or come on too sudden" He wore a little smile, making his dark features glow. "Thank you for all of this, and you should smile more, it looks good on you." I hugged him and he returned the embrace, quickly letting go and running for the door. "I'll see you later" I said waving excessively. He smiled again and I smiled even bigger, taking my leave.

Jack had just got back from his mission, running over to me when I was on the monochrome merry go round. Sneaking up on top of it and hanging down in front of me, scaring the living daylights out of me. "Fucking hell! You scared the shit out of me! Don't do that you idiot!" His loud laughter ringing out throughout the entirety of the carnival grounds, jumping onto the horse i was sat on. His long arms embracing me from behind, "Jack, I need to tell you something" My voice came out shaky and he could tell I was nervous. Burying his head between my shoulder and the crook of my neck, as in to soothe me. His eyebrow raised as he responded back. "What's up, Hun?"

"I'm pregnant"

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now