L and J, The Siblings Chapter 47

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Luka's pov
It has been years now and unfortunately mother has past, she was human after all but we all were grieving for her. Especially dad, he was the one that took it the worst but he felt a little more at ease knowing she died living happily. Every Sunday we go killing in memory of her, and dad told us he would never EVER find another like mother. He said he would never move on or love another human because in the end, they die so easily. They are fragile creatures that break under the slightest touch of us monsters, they're foolish and will kill their own kind to get what they want, they betray their loved ones and can never love us. 

But mother was different, she accepted us for us and treated us like humans. She was kind and never told a lie nor betrayed us, she shown us as much love as she could even when she was hurting. She was our mother, and we're just traumatized that she died so quickly before our eyes. Before the eyes of cold blooded killers. The eyes that have seen such cruel things and have inflicted pain onto others, but out of all the bad things we have ever seen. Watching as mother slowly turned old and died was the worst thing ever for us, and we're all trying to cope with her loss. But we know we can never see her again because humans and us monsters are split up and sent to different places after we die, all we can do is hope that god will let us see her after death. Perhaps even be reincarnated as a killer in her next life. 

Jinxx's pov
"Luka are you ready?" I asked knocking lightly on my older brothers door waiting for an answer, shortly after he opened the door and smiled gently down at me. "Mother would be so proud of you, you've grown so much" I mumbled trying not to cry, he was now a foot taller then me and looked more like mother. His face structure was exactly like hers and he was caring just like her, "Don't cry cause you'll make it awkward. We better go get father." He wiped away my tears and I nodded following him to fathers room. "Dad it's time for our killings" He opened the door and looked down at both of us, his silver eyes staring sorrowfully at us. "Yea, let's get going" we all teleported to a house filled with a loving family consisting of a mother and father, and their teenage twin daughter and son. "Funny, it's just like us except without...mother" Luka remaining quiet as he let out a huff and walked over to the sleeping teenagers and we let father deal with the parents


And we both slashed our claws against their chests after slamming our other hand against there mouth, "enjoy your sleep" me and luka said in unison lowering our voices to sound Like demons. I giggled and luka let out a dark chuckle and we began pulling out there organs and decorating the bedroom to make it a bit more 'lively', after we finished with them we high fived and made our way back to father. We heard dark demonic laughter coming from him and screams of pains "father seems to be having fun" "Yea, let's not interrupt that, don't wanna get gutted by him" we both nodded and sweat dropped imagining what he was doing right now, but before we both teleported away we both got a strong smell of blood and candy.

"At least he's laughing, it's been a while since we heard him that happy after moms death, let him enjoy it while he can"

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now