Depression Chapter 14

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School was reopened today, since the 'accident', I couldn't be botherd to go. I didn't even want to go outside or leave the couch. Being honest, I really missed my parents even though they hurt me. I missed them so much, and it tore me apart, losing all motivation and feeling in my body. I woke up on the couch feeling sick to my stomach, my eyes hurt so much and so did my throat. I went to the kitchen to make egg and beans. I stood there looking at it, just seeing it was enough to make me want to vomit. I threw the food in the bin and sat back down on the couch, staring blankly at the wall. I didn't know where Jack was either, i forced myself to believe that I couldn't care less. But finally I admit, I really did want him here with me just for company, I need it. But of course when I need him he isn't here.

I kept having flashbacks of my past while staring at the wall, of how my parents beat me and how I was constantly bullied. But there was one thing that kept me happy, but I lost it. My parents weren't always horrible to me, they weren't always heartless.

"Mommy, I want a new toy" The little (H/c) haired girl pulled on her mother's sleeve "Yes I know dear, we are looking" she responded to my constant whining with a gentle and kind manner. "Do you see anything you like (Y/n)?" "Uhh-huuu, it's all too girly" nothing was appealing to me, until a small wood oak coloured box caught my eye. "Look mommy, I want this" "Okay sweetie" Her hands clapping together, glad that I had finally found something I wanted. After my mother brought it, we made it back home to my drunken father. As soon as we walked through the door all we heard was "(Y/m/n) come here bitch" "(Y/n), go to your room and play with your new toy" Motioning for me to go up the stairs, hesitantly complying. I ran upstairs and played with my toy while my parents were arguing in the back ground, the shouts blocked out by my loud humming.

I noticed the name on the side of the box, the engraving entrancing me. "Laughing a box" I turned the delicate silver handle to hear the familiar melody play out, pop goes the weasel playing in a lower key. The lid flung open, the inside was completely vacant, disappointment filling my small body.

There was a  presence behind me, swiftly turning to face the colourful clown. "Hey there, I'm now your new best friend! I'm Jack and you are!" The clown patiently awaited my answer, how did he get here? "Um I'm (Y/n)" "(Y/n), that's a lovely name dear" his voice soft and gentle, to be honest I found this a bit creepy."Thanks, I guess"

Later on
Me and jack became the bestist of friends, we would always hang out and play games as well as share candy. My young self gaining a little crush on him. But as time passed my parents became more abusive, my mother started getting drunk, joining my father. They'd hit me everyday and I told Jack to ignore it and hide in the music box, hoping to protect him from it. He would cover his ears and squeeze his eyes shut, just to block out my screams. He wanted nothing more than to help but he didn't know what to do, but he didn't want to disobey his only friend. So he did what he was told, swallowed and consumed by the darkness surrounding him. He did his best to make her happy, but it was slowly turning him insane. His failed attempts freezing his heart, washing away the joyful colours. Until one day he left and so did the music box, that was the last I ever saw him. I fell into depression after that, I stopped eating and would had gotten to the point of having suicidal thoughts as I grew older. Starting to self harm at a young age, and no one was there to help me, I only had myself after he was gone. A gaping hole left in my chest where my heart should have been, forcing myself to forget just to be happy again.

Flashback ends
"Jack...did you leave me again...?"

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now