School Chapter 2

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The brown haired boy was staring down at my bruised and bloody body. Pulling my gaze from his face and looking away, murmuring a quiet thank you. His gloved hand reaching out for me patiently waiting for it to be taken a hold of, weakly lifting mine to his and pulling myself up with support from the strange savoir. "W-w-what's y-your name?" Stuttering out past violent twitches, tourettes? "(Y/n), and you?" "Toby"

Narrators POV
As time passed they grew closer, unable to see each other much due to restriction such as parents, and the other killers finding her. But when they would meet up it would be of a night in the woods, just hoping that they wouldn't get caught and split apart. Trusting each other enough to tell their tragic pasts they kept hidden from other, hoping for some sort of comfort.

Readers POV
Slowly walking into the crowded school dreading every moment, i pulled down my sleeves even further, my hands completely covered by the black jumper. The same routine tiring me out, being pointed at, laughed at, tripped up and pushed, but it was not unusual. Everyday repeating itself and putting me down, everywhere i went was the same endless torment.

I sped walk past my bullies who were snickering at me, sending death glares. Quickly opening my locker and grabbing my books not failing to notice the neatly wrapped up lollipop, the words 'Eat Me' neatly written on the note stuck on it. Nice try. Thinking it was a cruel joke and shrugging it off, continuing to grab my books and leaving the sweet untouched, slamming the locker door shut. My back roughly shoved against the lockers, held by the collar of my shirt. I began shaking in fear, consumed so much that i looked around for help, how foolish. Everyone was a coward and were nothing but stuck up pricks who only care for themselves, gritting my teeth and balling my fists. "Hey (Y/n), we never finished our 'fun' the other week" (Y/b/n)'s spat venomously, jamming her fist deep withing my stomach causing me to double over in pain, eyes enlarging upon feeling my previous days food come back up, having no other choice but to swallow the acid burning my throat. Blood seeping from the corners of my mouth as she continued on. *Ring* Saved by the bell. "This inst over, so don't think i'm letting you off that easily" With that, she walked off with the rest of the bitch squad. Wiping away the spit with s look of disgust and anger combined, i wanted nothing more than to kill her. No, not just her, i wanted to kill everyone who wished pain upon me, and those who stood and watched.

After that fortunately i didn't see (Y/b/n) much, the same feeling that someone was looming over my shoulder and watching me haunted my mind, brushing the anxiety off.

Timeskip to after school
When I got home, I quietly tiptoed past my parents and slowly walked up the stairs, of course the stair made a loud creaking noise which got my parents attention. classic. My body tensing feeling my father emerge from the couch, "Oi, (Y/n). Get me another beer!" He demanded. Mumbling under my breath hoping he wouldn't hear, "Can't you get it yourself?" I had made a huge mistake. His drunken body swaying side to side as he got up in my face, popping my personal bubble. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, holding back the urge to gag at his face. "Don't answer back to me you good for nothing!" My (E/c) eyes widened and my breath was caught in my throat as his hand met with my cheek, leaving a stinging sensation as well as a red hand mark. "Now get me that damn beer!" "Yes sir" Quickly replying not to anger him anymore than i had, rushing to the fridge and giving him the beer, running up the stairs and locking myself in my room, crying silently.

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now