Roast Chapter 19

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We arrived in front of the school gates, fear consuming my body preventing me from moving any further. Jack wrapped his arm around my waist to comfort me, slowly walking me forward. Giving a few words of encouragement "Don't worry Kiddo, I'll protect ya" I smiled up at him.
Making himself invisible to everyone else again once again somehow, pushing me. As I walked into the rather large school I kept hearing gasps and people whisper, shivering from the cold atmosphere surrounding me. Numerous glares being sent my way but it didn't bother me, just carrying on walking to class. Later finding out we moved classrooms since the 'accident', people were afraid to go in there so they blocked it off.

The day was fine so far, just the occasional glares and insults, learning to ignore it all. Jack was being annoying as usual. Eventually break time came, choosing to sit under a tree on the field. Jack was leaning against the autumn tree, taking in the view of me drawing. An unexpected turn this was, falling for a mere human girl. Lifting my head taking heed of the approaching girls, friends of my now deceased bully. "Look, its miss piggy. Oink Oink" Sound suits her, I just scoffed at her annoying voice, rolling my eyes. Jack looked at me and chucked, realizing what I was trying to do. "Your voice is annoying" Purposely trying to piss her off and it seemed to be working. "Shut up pig, you're only saying that because you're jealous" Growling back at me, by now i was standing eye level with her. "Hah, you really think i'm jealous of you? You and your little friends are all bitchy, all i see is an ugly skank who is an attention seeking whore trying way too hard to fit in. The only way for you to feel like you belong somewhere is by picking on people smaller then you, so get your fucking plastic ass out of my way" My confidence was boosted so much, me, Jack, and the bitch were surprised that such cruel things came from my mouth. The clown i grew to love bending over in laughter, hand held to his stomach trying to contain his laughs. "Wow, you sure owned her"

"You're the ugly bitch, you probably killed (y/b/n) because you were jealous that she had friends unlike you. Your alone and will always be, loner miss piggy" Was that the best she could seriously muster up? Pathetic. At this point Jack stood there smiling, excitedly waiting for my response. "Hah very funny ain't ya, I'm leaving before I catch your contagious bitchiness, so bye~bye~" And with that, me and Jack walked past her. She turned around ready to scream back at me but she suddenly tripped.... more like Jack stuck his foot out in front of her. "Whoopsy Daisy~" Chiming out in a sing song like tone, catching up beside me as we walked away. Leaving her on the floor processing what had happened, her friends too afraid to act against me. 

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now