Tears Chapter 13

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"Jack, why did you kill them?" I asked between sobs, "How did you know?" his smirk never fading. "I heard what you said to me last night" the tears failing to cease "I thought it would make you happy kiddo" "Well it didn't, now there dead and I have to get use to the fact that there gone. And that I'm not being punished for being me" My sobbing was now uncontrollable,  my emotions mixing up, torn between happiness and sadness. They were still my parents, even though they treated me like shit, they still brought me up and didn't give me away or abandon me. I still loved them, deep down. 

Jack was staring down at me, a frown carved into his face. He hated seeing me like this, this is the worst state he had ever saw me in, a mess in every single way possible. My hair was in every direction since I had been pulling at it and had been using my hair as a stress ball, my bottom lip was swollen and a purplish color due to biting it to keep from crying. My skin was pale and cold, my face had dry and fresh tears running down it, falling off my chin and soaking my shirt. My eyes were red, puffy and shiny from crying so much. My throat sounded rough and cracked when I spoke, because all the screaming I had done. I could feel Jack felt guilty, for the first time in his life he regretted killing people. He had no idea what to do, he just stood there speechless looking down at me.

Readers POV
Jack suddenly picked me up in his arms and carried me bridal style, heading towards the living room. I didn't even try to fight him, I knew I wouldn't get away and there was no where else for me to go. He laid me down on the couch then he climbed over me. Pulling me into his chest as I cried "I'm so sorry, kiddo" was all he said, my sobbing getting louder and louder.

It had been 3 hours since I started crying and I was slowly coming to a stop. I had a huge migraine, and a severe case of hiccups. I eventually fell asleep in his arms.

Jacks POV
Shit, what have I done and what the fuck am I suppose to do now, I'm an idiot. But I couldn't watch them hurt her anymore, it hurts me as well when I see her like that. Well it's over now, they're dead and (Y/n) belongs to me only. No matter what

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now