Scar Chapter 22

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Readers POV
I woke up laying on an uncomfortable white bed, a black blob resting on my legs. My eyes soon adjusting to the morning light and taking in the sight of Jack's sleeping body, gently running my fingers through his knotted black hair. Poking his cheek a couple of times, "Five more minutes" groaning and smacking my hand away. Giggling at his childish behavior, his eyes darting open and body shooting up upon realizing i was finally awake. "Hi" "You're okay, thank god" His abnormally long arms snaking around my waist pulling me close to his chest, now focusing on the pain i was feeling on the side of my face. "Hey Jack, how bad does my face look" The sympathy clear in his eyes as he hesitantly handed me the mirror, eyes never leaving me. It was ugly, stinging more as the salty tears dripped down into the exposed flesh. It looked like Toby's but was much bigger, stretching from under my left eye to the bottom row of my teeth, the inside of my mouth and teeth visible. "I'm so sorry (y/n), I tried to swing you out the way bu-" I cut him off "Jack it's okay it wasn't your fault, it was (y/b/n)'s fault for locking me in the room and running away." I looked into his eyes and all I could see was anger swelling up "That bitch is going to pay I swear to god I'm goi-" Cut off again "She didn't mean it, she was jealous. If anyone is to kill her, it's me. I will kill her" Jack nodding in his head understandment, running his claws through his hair placing himself back in the chair beside the bed. "Anyway, that does make you look pretty badass" Attempting to cheer me up, "You think so?" "Hell yeah" We sat there laughing and talking for a while, enjoying each others company. 

"I have talked to slender so there no need to worry, he is fond of you and thinks you could become a strong asset, as long as you go killing" A huge smile crept onto my face, finally feeling accepted. "But" There's always a but. "But you have to kill (y/b/n), you can't ever return home. But you can live with me in my carnival!"Shouting rather happily, opening his arms as in to say that he is amazing. "I don't like that idea" My voice monotone and face blank, his smile slowly fading being replaced with a pissed off look. "Oh yea, and why's that huh?" I could tell he was getting angry, by this point he was standing up and looking down on me. Keeping my calm because I know he wouldn't hurt me, "Because" "Because what!?" He spat at me, one hand placed beside by head as leaned down towards me. "Because I love that idea!" A huge grin was plastered across my face, victory. He just just stood there speechless, soon regaining his senses and laughing and his foolishness. "You got me there, Gumdrop" Leaning up and kissing him, his lips moving in sync with mine. My expose teeth grazing against his lips, turning a blind eye to the pain. "Sorry to interrupt" quickly pulling apart hearing Slender clear his throat and speak up, us both acting as if nothing had happened. 

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now