Chapter one

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Raven sat on a old rusted park bench in the middle of an old park, sketchbook in hand, sketching out the beautiful landscape before her

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Raven sat on a old rusted park bench in the middle of an old park, sketchbook in hand, sketching out the beautiful landscape before her. Distracting herself from the stresses or her life. Working a stupid cashier job like she does wasn't her ideal job, she would much rather be an artist or a musician, or hell, maybe even just working in a comic book store, just anywhere, but that stupid job.

"You know Mr. Stark would never let you do that, Pietro." This lady with a thick accent laughed, hitting the man next to her on the arm. "Well Stark can deal me after I do it," the blonde man smirked, his accent was the same as the lady next to him. "You're going to get yourself hurt, I'm not going to help you, I'll let Banner do that. I know how much you love Banner," she teased.

Raven watched them bicker, the man flipped his body so he was facing her. "Wanda, come on! It would be fun," Pietro chuckled, eyes eventually landing onto a beautiful young girl, sitting alone on a park bench. "Stop wanting to flirt with every pretty face you see Pietro, we have to get back. Tony wants to talk to us, Clint will be there," huffed Wanda. "Go, I'll catchup. I always do, Don't I?" Pietro smirked, cracking his neck, approaching the young girl. "Hey, I couldn't help, but notice your sketchbook, you like to draw?" The blonde questioned, sitting down next to Raven. "Yeah," her answer was short and sweet. "I'm Pietro," he smiled. "Raven. So, Pietro, you don't sound like you come from here. What brings you here?" Raven questioned. "I'm with Tony Stark. He brought me and my twin sister here because of our powers. We're kinda like the Avengers." Laughed Pietro. "Here's my number, text or call me when you're free, we should go get coffee or something," he handed her a slip of paper, black numbers etched into it. "See you around, Pietro." Raven smiled, watching the man speed off leaving a trail of blue light behind him. The world was drastically different from what Raven could remember of her childhood, in fact she never saw the light of day until a few years ago. Being tormented, torn apart, experimented on, and put back together is the only thing she could remember. The cold cement walls of a cell She was put in at age five, being ripped away from her parents. She wasn't aloud to leave that cell until she finally agreed to be experimented on, having different serums pumped into her body, physical tests, and all the emotionally scaring things they would tell her. She made a mistake that she now has to live with, but she doesn't know how.

Raven shut her sketchbook and shoved it into her bag, throwing it over her shoulder. Pulling out her phone she put Pietro's number in it, calling it afterwards. "So you decided to call?" She could practically see the smirk on his face. "You said you were with Tony Stark, right?" Raven got an idea. "Don't tell me you're going to use me to see Stark," he chuckled. "Well that's part of it, I need to talk to Tony and we need to figure out when we can go out for coffee or whatever," she laughed. "If I make my way to the Stark tower will you let me in?" A flash of blue light zoomed in front of her, Pietro stood there, a smirk on his face and his phone to his ear. "How 'bout I just pick you up?" He hung up the call. "That's even better," smiled Raven. "Tony might be pissed with me, but it's totally worth it." Pietro smirked, picking up Raven bridal style before running off in the direction of the Stark tower.

Stopping in front of the large building, Pietro set Raven down slowly. "People are going to look at you, but don't worry." He cockily smiled. Pietro opened the glass door, being a gentleman and letting the lady enter first. "She's with me," he smiled at the man behind the desk. He pulled out his phone, dialling a number before setting it over his ear. "Hey Old man, Stark still with you it is he with Banner?" Pietro chuckled lightly. "Okay thank you," he sighed hanging up the phone shoving it into his pocket. Pietro grabbed Raven's hand walking over to the elevator. "He's going to be so pissed at me for bringing someone here," his smile brightened, letting to go Raven's hand he pressed a small button. "You didn't have to do this you know Pietro," Raven smiled.

"But thank you," she beamed.

"It's no problem. When we get up there stay behind me, Banner can get a little over protective of his Lab."

Raven nodded in response, watching as the elevator doors open and Pietro walked out.

"Mr. Stark?" Pietro called. "What kid? I'm working." He responded. "Someone's here to see you, and don't call me kid, you call Peter that," he chuckled, walking in the direction he heard the playboy, Raven following. Tony looked up from his work to see Raven standing behind Pietro. "What did I say about bringing people up here? Bruce is going to be pissed if he finds out. You know all to well not to mess with him," he scolded. "Just hear her out Stark, then we'll be out of your hair." Pietro defended.

"Hi Mr. Stark, sir," Raven fumbling over her words. "Just Tony please, and you are?" He questioned. "Raven. Raven Noir." She smiled. "I wanted to talk to you in private if that's okay with you." Raven grinned. "Sure thing, darling." He smirked. "Just let me put my stuff away and we can talk,"

"Sounds good," She smiled turning towards the blonde. "Thanks for this Pietro, I'll give you a call so we can figure out our lil date," Pietro smirked, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Can't wait," and with that he disappeared from sight.

"So what did you need to talk to me about?"

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