Chapter twenty seven

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"What happened here!" Laura exclaimed, seeing the bandage on Lila's knee

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"What happened here!" Laura exclaimed, seeing the bandage on Lila's knee. "She fell and scraped her knee, but she's okay now, right?" Raven smiled, setting Lila down, earning a small nod from the girl. "Well that's good!" Laura smiled. "Go get washed up with your brother, dinner's almost ready." Laura instructed, Lila running off to the shared washroom between her and her brother.

"You'd be an amazing mother, you know?" Pietro smirked, wrapping his arms around Raven's small waist. "You think so?" Her green eyes lighting up as she smiled. "Yep!" He chuckled. "You'd also make an amazing wife." Pietro cooed in her ear, kissing the back of her neck.

"Stop!" Raven whined, pushing the blonde away. "Let's not talk about this here. We can talk about it after dinner when we're alone. I just find it weird to talk about it with people around." Raven explained, giving Pietro a quick peck on the lips. "Dinner's ready!" Clint called from the kitchen.

The kids came running, pulling Bucky and Steve with them, Wanda following. "Let's go eat, we haven't had anything since this morning." Pietro smiled, walking hand in hand with Raven into the kitchen, grabbing some food and sitting down in The dining room. "Thank you for dinner, Laura." Raven smiled. "It's no problem."

"So, Do you guys know how you're going to spend your birthday tomorrow?" Steve asked, taking a sip of his water. "We'll probably just cool around, we're not big on celebrating our birthday." Wanda explained, turning to Pietro. "How old are you guys turning?" Laura asked with a brightening smile. "Nineteen." Pietro replied, his hand snaking down, resting on Raven's knee. "On the thirteenth it's Raven's birthday." Bucky smiled. "Yeah, I'm turning twenty." She smiled, her hand resting on Pietro's. "My girl's growing up!" Clint teased. "Be quiet bird brain!" She laughed. "Mama can we have ice cream after dinner?" Lila asked from her booster seat. "As long as you eat up all your dinner." Laura answered, putting a few bits of food in her mouth.

"So I talked to Stark a few minutes ago and he said that he needs Steve and Wanda back by Saturday. I can fly you guys back up there, Tony thinks you guys are in LA." Clint explained, rubbing his hands together.

"If you know who is still there be careful. He'll try to get you to tell him where I am." Rave sighed, her skin heating up st the thought. "We won't say a word," Wanda assured. "I just don't want him to mess with me anymore. I was just recovering from it all, you know?" Raven sighed sadly, her skin boiling hot. "Raven, breath. Your boiling hot." Pietro whispered, moving his hand off her knee in pain, playing it off like it does hurt. "Sorry," she chuckled taking a few deep breaths in and out. Her skin slowly dropping in temperature. "Mama, Lila and I are done eating!" Cooper smiled, grabbing his plate and his sisters, putting the plates in the sink. "Go play, I'll get you guys your treat when we're done." Clint smiled, helping Lila out of her booster seat.

"Remember a few weeks ago when I told you about the three enhanced members of the Avengers?" Clint chuckled, gesturing towards the three. "There they are. Wanda has like telekinesis, Pietro is fast, and Raven controls fire." He smiled, strings of light flowing from Wanda's fingers before disappearing. "It's not that Amazing," Pietro sighed, letting his hand vibrate until it was no longer visible, stopping once Raven lifted her hand, igniting the candles sitting on the table with a touch of her finger before blowing out the flame on her finger.

"It amazes me every time." Pietro teased.

"That's actually amazing." Laura smiled in awe. "I guess it is." Raven smiled. "Well I'm finished, if you'd excuse me." Raven stood up, grabbing her plate and setting it in the sink before heading back to her room. "Where did I put it." She huffed, rummaging through her bag, pulling out a small beat up box, shoving in her back pocket, throwing on a hoodie before running outside.

The sun was slowly setting, golden rays of light hitting Raven as she pulled a cigarette from the small box and placed it between her lips, lighting it with a delicate touch of her finger, smoke flowing from her nose and her mouth.

"You okay, kid?" Steve asked, leaning against the porch railing. "This day has been eating at me for the past three years. But if he gets me and kills me then I'm fine with that." She sighed, taking a long drag of her smoke. "But we're not. Despite the fact that people like Tony who are afraid of your powers, we still care." Steve said, walking over to Raven, standing next to her in the golden beams of light. "January twentieth, four o'seven pm, west wing of Hydra base four sixty." She muttered.


"That's the day, time, and exact place I burnt and killed all those people." She explained, more smoke flowing from her lips. "The day I could have killed Pietro and Wanda. The day I could have prevented what's going on now." Her voice broke slightly, holding back her tears. "You were just a kid," Steve reminded.

"He should be dead, Steve. But he's not and that's on me." She huffed in anger. "I could have stopped him from taking that SHEILD agent." She sighed, shaking her head, letting out a sad laugh. "This could be the death of the people I care about most." She mumbled, small strings of flame dancing between her delicate porcelain fingers.

"Looks like Pietro wants to talk to you," Steve smiled, rubbing her back before walking away, letting the boy talk to her in private.

"Marry me." Pietro asked rather bluntly. "Wh-what?" Raven asked, tears treating even more to come out. "Marry me. In a week or two when we go back home stark and throw us a wedding and we won't have to worry about anything anymore." He smiled, now standing next to her. "We can have kids and have a happy family, and I promise nothing will ever happen to you. Will you marry me?" Pietro asked his hands frantically shaking as he pulled out a ring box from his pocket. "I bought this awhile ago, because I knew I was going to ask you." Pietro explained, opening the box to reveal a silver band with a bright white diamond on it.

Tears streamed down Raven's cheeks, nodded her head in excitement, putting out her cigarette on the banister, letting Pietro slip the ring on. "I love you." She smiled, kissing him, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck, his arms around her waist.

"I love you too."

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