Chapter thirty one

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"How was your guys' trip?" Bruce smiled, greeting everyone as the arrived at the tower

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"How was your guys' trip?" Bruce smiled, greeting everyone as the arrived at the tower.

"It was amazing," Clint smiled, lugging in his bag. "Pietro, come on!" Raven whined dragging both Pietro and her bag to the elevator. "I'm tired," he yawned. "Go run up to your room then," she laughed, patting his chest before he disappeared, lugging both of their bags upstairs to their rooms.

"What up loser!" Tony boomed now entering the room. "Here come trouble." Steve groaned. "What happened while you were gone? Anything exciting?" Tony pushed. "Yeah actually," Raven smiled shyly. "Pietro and I are now engaged." She smiled warmly, head held low. "Congrats, kid." Tony grinned, giving Raven a quick hug before backing off. "Have you talked about when you wanted to have your wedding?" Tony started.

"I told you, once he knew he'd be planning." She laughed looking back at Bucky.

"We wanna have it sometime soon." She replied with an agitated sigh. "I'll have to take it up with Piet, and honestly I don't wanna think of anything on my birthday so I'm gonna go upstairs and have a shower and sleep."

"Oh yeah, happy birthday!" Tony smiled. "Thanks asshat." She sighed, elevator doors opening. "Hey don't speak to me like that!" Tony scolded. "I'll do what I please." Raven growled. Elevator doors shutting behind her, heading up to her floor.

"Took you long enough," Pietro smiled, watching the elevator doors open, revealing Raven. "I thought you were tired?" She laughed, walking out and into her room. "I am, but I wanted to wait for you." He pouted. "Well I'm gonna have a shower, go lay down in your own room," she laughed.

"Kiss first," Pietro giving her his signature smirk, pulling her closer to him. "Fine,"

Pietro's hands wondered down her back, resting on her hips, her arms resting on his shoulders. Lips connecting for a moment before they eventually pulled away. "Go sleep, Love." Raven smiled, squeezing her way out of his grip. "Come with me!" Pietro whined, his body slumping down slightly as he spoke. "I really need a shower because of you sweating on me in your sleep on the way here!" Raven laughed pushing Pietro out of her room. "Fine," Pietro groaned, zooming into his room, cuddling up in his blankets as Raven shut her door.

Raven pulled out her phone from her pocket dialling Bucky's number.

"Hey buck," She chirped, turning the shower on so muffle the sound of her call. "Hey, what's up?" He greeted.

"Can you do me a favour?"

"Sure?" He questioned, flopping down on his bed. "Can you go to the pharmacy and get me a pregnancy test? Go with Natasha or Wanda, they'll know. I just don't wanna leave the building and well yeah." She rambled. "Sure thing, but I'll send Nat or Wanda to give it to you," he agreed. "We'll be back in twenty." Bucky chuckled. "My door will be open." Raven hung up the phone, setting it on the counter before sticking her head under the shower wetting her hair so it would look as if she showered.

"Raven?" Natasha called from outside Raven's bathroom twenty minutes later. "I got what you asked Bucky for." She replied. "Thanks, you can come in, I'm decent." Raven sighed.

"Is everything okay?" Nat asked quietly opening the door, shutting it behind her. "I'm an emotional mess, my periods late and I'm scared Pietro will call off our engagement because he'll realize I'm not someone he should want, also did I fail to mention we're engaged?" Her thoughts being jumbled with her words as she spoke. "First off, you have every right to be an emotional mess after everything you've been through, second, that's what this is for, and third, yes you did fail to mention that, congratulations by the way, and Pietro may be a cocky bastard, but he loves you. Don't question that for even a second." She smiled, placing the box on the bathroom counter. "Use the test, I'll be waiting outside just incase." Nat gave Raven a sympathetic smile before leaving the bathroom, door shutting behind her.

Raven's has began to shaky with anticipation as she opened the package, taking the plastic off the stick. Pulling the toilet seat up, pulling her pants down, peeing on the stick.

She cleaned herself up, pulled her pants back up, shut off the water in the shower and sat on the closed toilet seat.

"One line not pregnant, two lines am." She muttered, waiting a minute for the lines to appear. Slipping the cap back on the stick she took it and walked out of the bathroom.

"What does it say?" Nat asked, raven handing her the test. "Look for yourself," Raven smiled, feelings of joy bubbling in her stomach. "Oh my god!" Nat smiled, unable to truly comprehend what was in front of her.

"It's positive!" Nat chuckled gleefully, throwing the test behind her, pulling Raven in for a hug. "I'm so happy for you!" Nat squealed. "Now I just need to figure out how to tell Pietro, and I swear to god if you tell anyone, including Wanda I will kill you!" Raven teased. "Okay, okay, I won't!" Nat laughed. "Text me if you need anything!" Nat grinned walking out of Raven's room, Raven picking up the test and putting in in her Jean pocket, throwing on a clean shirt, walking into Pietro's room, peeling her jeans off, crawling under the blankets and into his arms.

"You're back," Pietro hummed, his icy blue eyes fluttering as he brushed a strand of her damp hair away from her eyes.

"I have a little surprise too," Raven smiled, internally bottling up her nervousness.

"And what is that?" Pietro question.
Raven rolled over, reaching over the bed and into her Jean pocket pulling out the pregnancy test. "This is it." She smiled shyly showing him the test. "Two lines means I'm pregnant, one means I'm not." She smirked.

"This isn't a prank or anything?" Pietro questioned looking at the test, his heart racing. "I wouldn't do that," she smirked. "I'm so fucking happy!" He smirked, kissing Raven multiple times. "Me too."

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