Chapter twenty four

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"Nightmares again?" He asked, pulling Raven into him, kissing the top of her head, his arms wrapped around around her

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"Nightmares again?" He asked, pulling Raven into him, kissing the top of her head, his arms wrapped around around her.

"I never thought I'd see that building or that tank ever again." She sobbed, quietly into his chest.

"They can't get you now." He cooed.

"He can find me, he always does." Her voice shaky, her body trembling. "Who?" He whispered into her hair.

"My father, the man who did this to me." She stuttered. "I thought you were taken from you family." He questioned.

"I spent years convincing myself that he wasn't my father and that he was some man I didn't know, who took me away from my family back in England." She sighed sitting up, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"Dr. Noir. That's what be went by. He's a heartless monster and he's the only man I couldn't kill." She mumbled.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want too." Pietro frown, sitting up as well.

"It was bound to come out eventually. I was bound to make a mistake and let someone know, but I'm glad it was you and not Stark." She muttered, looking down at her knees.

"He won't find you, he won't find us. I promise." Pietro cooed, his hand sliding up, resting on her cheek, wiping away her tears.

"Did he know who you were?" She asked. "He used Wanda when people were being injected with serum. I'd sit in the corner and watch seeing as I had no use to them at the time." He frowned. "There was this girl, she had wet brown hair every time as came in, we just figured that she was just another prisoner like us, we couldn't see her eyes, they always blindfolded her. Looking back on it, she looked like you, we only did what we had too." He defended.

"You don't have to defend yourself, I would have done the same." Her voice was low. "They always took me to 'the twins' or 'Scarlet witch'. I knew I heard you accent somewhere before."

"Wanda still doesn't know it was you she was toying with." Pietro growled in a hush tone.

"And it's fine. You guys don't have to apologize to me or make it up to me, I'm just glad at least one of you aren't afraid of me."

"Wanda's warming up to you. She seems to be okay with you now. She was just worried because well, your the first actual girlfriend I've had since I got out." He smirked shyly, looking down.

"Aw cute!" She squealed, with a small chuckle, pushing aside her tears.

"Your doing a pretty amazing job at being a boyfriend. I know you said when this all started that you weren't sure how good you'd be." She replied, earning a smile from the blonde in front of her.

"You know, they others say we're inseparable." Pietro beamed, resting his head on Raven's.

"We can hear you guys being all mushy in there!" Steve yelled from Wanda's room.

"Oh shut it!" Pietro snapped.

"Losers!" Wanda teased through the walls. "We live with idiots." Raven sighed.

"I'm work with a ninety eight year old virgin!" Pietro sighed, laying back in the bed.

"Jeez," Raven chuckled, patting his thigh before she got up out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Pietro yawned. "Just to get some water."

"Nope!" He smirked, zooming behind her, grabbing her waist. "Pietro!" She yelled. "I don't want you going alone." He whined.

"Then come with me," she laughed, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"How 'bout I bring you there?" He smirked, picking her up, speeding to the kitchen.

"Oh, hi Raven!" Tony smiled, leaning against the kitchen counter, across from a older man in a black suit.

"This is Dr. Noir. It's funny, he has the same last name as you," Tony smiled.

"It's nice to meet you, you must be Raven, and you are?" The man asked looking at Pietro as he set Raven down. "Pietro." He said, giving the man a small smile.

"Dr. Noir is here working with Banner for a week." Tony explained.

"Oh cool!" Raven said enthusiasticlly, hiding her terror. "I'm helping Banner with keeping Mr. Loki in his cage." Dr. Noir smirked.

"That's the plan." Tony smirked.

"Well if you excuse me, I'm just gonna grab some water and head back up to my room." Raven smiled, opening the fridge, snatching a bottle of water before Pietro picked her up once more, zooming away with a flash of blue and silver.

"Oh god, oh god." Raven trembled falling to the floor of Pietro's bedroom.

"It's him, he's here. Pietro I have to leave." She said shaken up by the man downstairs. "He's going to take me and put me in that tank again. I know it!" She exclaimed, her fingers running through her hair. "If we have to leave, we'll leave." Pietro said in a hush tone pulling the trembling girl up to his chest.

"What about Wanda, he'll take Wanda if he can't take us. Hell, he'll take Bucky too." Her breath hitched, feeling her skin heat up, pushing Pietro away, pulling her knees to her chest. "He can't be here, I'm still dreaming. That's in I'm dreaming!" She huffed, pinching her arm and hitting herself before Pietro grabbed ahold of her wrist.

"He's not gonna get us. None of us will be put back into the Hydra system. I'll let Steve know and he'll help." Pietro reassured, rushing into the next room where Steve sat.

"We have to leave. Stark doesn't know who hes brought into the tower for the week and he's going to try and take Raven back into the Hydra system along with Bucky, Wanda and I." Pietro warmed. "How do you know that he's here to take Raven?" Steve asked, standing up and leaning against the wall. "What's his name?" Wanda asked.

"Dr. Noir. You remember him right?" Pietro answered, his hand coming up, rubbing his face. "He's the one who always brought in that girl who was always soaked in water, right?" She questioned, still dumbfounded from hearing his name.

"Yeah," he said, his voice breaking slightly. "That was Raven."

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