Chapter thirty three

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"You ready to marry my ass of a brother?" Wanda smiled, helping Raven fix her dress

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"You ready to marry my ass of a brother?" Wanda smiled, helping Raven fix her dress. "You look gorgeous," Nat smiled, tucking a strand of Raven's hair behind her ear.

"Nat, Wanda, Laura, come on. They're waiting." Clint smiled, opening the door. The girls walking down the isle next to their significant other. Laura and Clint file down, separating at the alter. Nat and Bruce afterwards, Steve and Wanda next.

Bucky and Tony linked their arms around each of Raven's walking down the isle. Everyone's eyes on her, her beautiful dress and flawless makeup and hair presenting her in such a lovely way.

Pietro stood at the end of the alter, tears threatening to fall from his eyes at the sight of his beautiful bride.

Tony and Bucky stand alongside the rest of the men at the front. The priest started his introduction speech, everything going smoothly.

"Pietro, Do you take Raven for you lawful wife, to have and hold, from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in heath, until death do you part?" The priest asks, looking at Pietro.

"I d-" he was cut off my The loud bang of a gun for the back of the crowd. The bullet aimed for his chest, the man using multiple rounds, each of them burring into his body. "Pietro!"

His body fell limp on the floor, unable to move. Raven immediately fell to his aid, her hands trying to stop his wounds from bleeding so much.

People running around away from the alter.

"Pietro, hang in there, love. You can't leave me now." She sobbed, making streaming down her face, blood seeping into her white gowned.

Hydra agents flooded the scene shooting at the many SHEILD agents and the Avengers. "I love you please don't go." She sobbed, frantically trying to stop him from bleeding out. "I love you." Pietro groaned, gasping for air.

"Pietro!" Raven cried, men grabbing her arms pulling her back. "Pietro no!" Tears streamed down her cheeks, turning into steam as her skin heated up. A gust of flames knocked the men holder her to the ground as she ran to Pietro who was laying on the ground.

The hydra agents continued to try and grab Raven despite the amount of flames that were now in their way.

More guns firing in her direction and in many more, blood everywhere.

"Wanda!" Raven cried watching as Wanda was being dragged away by Hydra agents. "No!" She sobbed, another gust of flames knocking over and killing all the hydra agents in her reach. "Bucky!" She called out. "Anyone!"

She laid on top of Pietro's now lifeless body, tears soaking his blazer.

"Steve!" She cried, the tall blonde nowhere in sight.

"Someone please." She cried quietly.

A tall grey haired man talked up to Raven, gun in hand, pressing it to the stop of her head.

"You know what I have to do. You're mine to keep. You never finished your testing, young one."

"You didn't have to do this! You didn't have to kill him! You don't need to take my family away from me again!" Raven spat looking up at the man above her.

"I am your family." He spat back.

"No your not!" She yelled, her flames engulfing her, her eyes turned a shade of green, to orange, to blood red. Her hair turning to flames, her gowned being burnt, Turing black.

Her hands lit up with flames as she snatched the gun from her fathers hands.

"You were never family! The Maximoff twins are family! The Avengers are family! Not you, you son of a bitch." She spat, her free hand wrapping around his throat, lifting him up. Small flames now appearing in her eyes.

"They're scared of you," he chocked with a smirk of his smug face. "They might be afraid of me, but they still care about me!" She gripped his neck tighter. Agents flooding around her. "I've gotten stronger since I've last seen you, I'm not seventeen anymore. I won't make the same mistake!" She growled, sending a fire-like rope down his throat, grabbing his heart and ripping out out through his mouth, throwing it away.

"Anyone else want a turn? Huh?" She taunted, sending balls of fire into large groups of agents, killing them all, her tears becoming steam.

Steve and Bucky come running around the corner, shield and guns in hand. "Bucky, where's Clint?" She yelled. "Is is family safe?" She choked out a small sob. "Yeah, Laura and the kids are in their bunker, Clint's on his way back right now!" Bucky yelled, punching an agent before shooting him. "Who was shot?" Clint asked, appearing from behind Steve. "Pietro." He said sadly.

"Someone get Wanda! Tony!" She called seeing his iron man suit fly by in Wanda's direction.

Both Hydra and Shield agents bodies laid lifeless on the ground scattered about the property.

"Where's Thor?" Nat yelled, using a light post to help her kick an agent in the face.

"He's in Asgard!" Bruce called before hulking out.

Wanda's red aura appearing from the distance. Barely even lifting a finger as she ripped agent's in two.

"Mrs. Noir, more on your left!" Peter called, swinging from his web in her direction, helping her fight.

"Thanks Peter!" She grunted as an agent punched her in the face.

"If I never joined-" she huffed sending another gust of flames before finishing. "The avengers, and I never fell in love with Pietro and if I killed my father when I was seventeen then Pietro wouldn't be dead!" She grunted, watching as Clint's arrows fly past. "And maybe you wouldn't have lost those Shield agents." She cried, a bullet piercing her arm, knocking the man's gun from his hand before burning him.

"Don't blame yourself for this!" Bucky yelled from across the yard.

"You guys wouldn't have met me and wouldn't be in this situation!" She cried, her body floating up, flames from her feet lifting up, shooting hydra agents as the cane until they all were dead.

Things died down after awhile, Laura and the kids came out of the bunker, the surviving Shield agents dusting themselves off as the stood up. Steve and Tony helping the injured as Raven floated down, flames dying down. "I'm sorry," she mumbled to Pietro's cold body, kneeling down next to him, tears uncontrollably falling from her eyes.

"This is all my fault." She sobbed.

Wanda slowly walked up to Raven and her brothers body, tears streaming down her face as she dropped to the floor on the opposite side of him.

"It's all my fault." Raven muttered, resting her head on his chest.

"It's my fault."

Everyone stood around Pietro's body, people holding back tears.

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