Chapter twelve

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"Come on, Piet, let's get this stuff out of our hair," she smiled, turning the shower on

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"Come on, Piet, let's get this stuff out of our hair," she smiled, turning the shower on. "We're going in at the same time?" He asked, blushing slight. "Yeah, why not." She shrugged it off and unbuttoned her pants. "Piet, you alive in there, bud?" Raven laughed, stripping herself of her clothes, stepping into the shower, Pietro snapped out of his small trance and ridding himself of his clothes and joining her.

"Can you hand me the shampoo? It's over there." Pietro muttered, Raven handing him the bottle, facing his direction.

"Reminds me when we get out that I gotta put my jewellery back in, instead of the clear ones I have in now," she smiled, running her hands through her hair. He hummed in response. "Turn around, I'll wash your hair," his voice soft and loving. "Thank you," Raven whispered, turning around letting Pietro scrub the soap into her hair.  "I can tell you're worrying about tonight," Pietro said, his voice soft and his accent thick. "It's just a lot of people in one room, I won't have a chance to leave the room and have a smoke or anything, someone will always be talking and it would be rude to leave." She explained. "And I feel like if anyone caught me smoking they wouldn't like me even more and they would confront you about it." Her voice became slightly shaky. "That won't happen, they won't care about that, all they care about is being apart of a great group." He reassured, turning Raven around to face him again. "Even if they did hate you, I'd still be here." He smiled, kissing her forehead. Raven put her head under the running water, washing out the soap and extra dye before stepping out and letting Pietro finish off. "Put your jewellery back in," he reminded her. "Thanks," she laughed, wrapping a towel around her wet hair, letting it sit on top of her head, pulling on her clothes.

Raven stepped out of her room all dolled up, a small bag hanging from her shoulder. "Damn," Pietro stepped out of his room breathless. "You look absolutely amazing," he smirked, taking in her figure. "Thanks, handsome. Now, let's go!" She beamed, grabbing ahold of Pietro's hand, and making their way upstairs.

"There's the speedy and the hottie we Where looking for!" Tony greeted, giving Pietro a pat on the back then giving Raven a short hug. "Something's different," he stood in front of them, finger tapping his chin. "Your hair changed and you have nose piercings," he smiled when he finally got it. "Yeah," Raven chuckled nervously.

"Pietro!" Wanda smiled realizing who had entered the room. "I see you finally got a hair cut," she teased, getting up to hug her brother. "Anyway, come sit and chat." Tony grinned warmly.

"Hello Lady Raven, have your wounds healed up yet?" Thor greeted. "Uh yeah, some of them left some big scars," she smiled.

"You must me Sam?" Raven asked turning towards the man she didn't recognize.

"Yeah, and you must be Raven!" He smiled warmly. "Sorry you got a couple shots to ya when you were busting your ass to bust me out," he apologized. "It's fine, I got cool scars out of it." She laughed. Everyone was sitting and chatting, drinks in hand. "Pietro a word?" Wanda asked, walking away, Pietro following.

"I know you love Raven and all, but be careful. You saw what she could do after she was shot a couple times!" Wanda exclaimed. "Your right, I do love Raven, but she's not a threat! Don't treat her like we've been treated, Sister." He huffed. Raven noticed the fact that Pietro wasn't sitting next to her anymore.

"Excuse me while I go get some fresh air." Raven stated, leaving the group conversation, walking out to sit on the balcony.

"Okay, maybe she could be a threat, but she wouldn't hurt any of us!" Pietro exclaimed from out on the balcony. Raven's back was against the wall, listening in on the conversation.

"What do you even love about Raven anyway?" Wanda snapped back at her brother. "Everything Wanda, everything!" He sighed. "Both of ya were afraid of you not liking her, thanks a lot."

Tears silently fell from Raven's eyes as she walked off towards the bathroom, Pietro and Wanda walking back to the group, not talking to each other.

"Where did Raven go?" Pietro asked, sitting where Raven previously sat. "She said she was gonna get some fresh air or something," Steve smiled, earning a sigh from Pietro. "I'll be right back," he said, glaring at Wanda before walking towards the washroom, knocking on the door. "Raven? You in here?" He asked, voice soft and full of care. "No," Raven said, voice shaken, her nose stuffed. "Raven, open the door," he said leaning against the door frame. Hearing the door unlock.

"You heard what Wanda said, no?" He asked, walking into the room, kneeling next to Raven. "We don't need her approval," he said lifting her head up to look at him. "What if the others have the same reaction?" She asked, tears slowly rolling down her face before patting them away with the tissue in her hand. "They won't, I promise. Now let's go back out there and have a good time, okay?" He said, pulling her closer, kissing her temple. "O-okay," She sniffled and smiled, wiping away her tears and snot before standing up, fixing her dress. "How do I look? Hopefully not like I've been crying." She chuckled sadly. "You look as beautiful as ever,"

"So wait, you really cringed at Steve kissing a girl while you both waited for him?" Raven chuckled.
"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad! Was it?" Steve exclaimed, looking over to Bucky who was laughing and nodding. "It was that bad man," Sam chimed in.
"Do you have any embarrassing stories Raven?" Bucky asked, still laughing. "Well, back before I moved here my friend Ash and I lived in a small apartment and well let's just say she had a party and she made a guy walk in on me singing in the shower," she laughed. "That's not that bad though," she smiled.

"See I told you they'd like you," Pietro whispered.

"Hey! No whispers about sexy stuff while we're sitting here!" Clint joked.

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