Chapter Seventeen

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Months fly by fast, everyone was getting along

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Months fly by fast, everyone was getting along.

"We have another mission, everyone's going." Tony announced, everyone stopped eating their dinner and payed attention to Tony.

"We're going to a Hydra base. It's all burnt to the ground, but the basement is still up and running." Tony sighed.

"Do you know the base number?" Raven asked.

"Four sixty." He said, giving Raven a small glare.

"I can't go." Raven replied bluntly. "It's mandatory, you have to come." Tony explained. "Well I'm not going, you can't force me to go," he growled, skin heating up. "Oh yes I can." He snapped back. "Tony, she's not going. Don't force her." Pietro huffed, shoving food in his mouth. "Why not? Why isn't she going?" Tony let out an agitated sigh. "That's the base I was kept it, it's burnt to the ground because of me. I physically can't bring myself to look at it." Raven mumbled. "Don't make her go, Stark." Clint agreed. "Why are we even going?" Natasha chimed in. "They took one of our SHEILD agents. There's a possibility that they will turn them into something like Raven or Bucky."

"We can't handle another brainwashed villain," Sam sighed. "I'm sitting right here, asshole!" Bucky sighed, glaring at Sam. "And well if they are as stupid as they were with me and create something that they couldn't control then it might not be as bad, but they probably smartened up." Raven sighed.

"Why would they be using an old burnt down base?" Banner questioned. "So it isn't obvious. They really have smartened up." Raven chuckled and started eating, a few others followed. "Pietro are you going?" Raven asked.
"Yeah, I'm not sure if Wanda remembers the layout," he sighed, looking towards his sister. "I don't." She frowned.

"Is anyone else staying back? I'm not dragging peter out there so I'm not going to fly him here from Queens." Tony explained.

"I think I'm going to stay back." Bucky muttered.

"So Barnes, Parker, and Noir are out,"

"I'd go, but like I said I physically can't bring myself to go." Raven sighed. "I know the inside of that basement inside and out, I'll keep my phone on me if there's any problem,"

"Thanks," Tony sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Anyway, anything eventful happened today?" He smiled.

"Clint nearly got thrown off the building," Natasha snorted. "Thanks Banner," Clint growled.

"Don't blame me, blame Hulk." He defended.

"Everyone on this team are idiots," Raven chuckled.

"I can agree with you on that," Steve smiled. "Coming from an idiot," Bucky laughed, nudging Steve. "Shut the hell up, Jerk!" Steve whined. "Looks like captain Language swore!" Raven snorted.

"You're mean!" He whined again. "Up top," Bucky laughed, holding his hand up giving Raven a high five.

"Absolute children!" Thor laughed. "Says you, big guy!" Pietro teased.

Everyone indulged in their own conversations. Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Natasha joking around with each other. Tony and Bruce started talking about science. Thor, Clint, Wanda, and Pietro started talking about a show they were all watching, leaving Raven out.

"Anyone else done? I can take your plate." Raven asked, standing up, grabbing her plate.

"How are you already done?" Pietro exclaimed. "You know I'm a fast eater," she laughed, walking into the kitchen and putting her plate in the sink before heading to her room. Bucky soon following.

"You know, they don't mean to leave you out of conversations, everyone here has know each other for so long, especially Steve and I." Bucky sighed leaning on Raven's door frame.

"First of all I know they don't, it still kinda hurts though, and second of all both you and Steve are like a hundred years old," she chuckled, throwing some books off her bed, flopping down on it. "You're still not really friends with anyone yet, are you?" He asked.

"I've never been the type to make friends, why start now? I have Pietro and I don't hate you, that's good enough." She laughed.

"Well, you can consider me a friend," he smiled.

"I told Tony I didn't want to go 'cause I thought you might want some company."

"Did you want to go? You don't have to stay here." She sighed.

"I can't hear the name Hydra without wanting to break something, plus I tormented people in that building. I know I did, I just don't know who." He sighed, hand tapping his chin.

"Anyway they will be gone for a few days, maybe a week, it will be fun!" He smiled, sitting down next to the silver haired girl.

"We can go out or we can stay in and just chill," Bucky smiled.

"Or you don't even have to leave your room. Everyone's rooms will be locked, but I'm sure Pietro will give you the code to get into his,"

"I hate it when the others go on missions, they usually take Pietro and everyone else. I'm not as helpful as I hoped I would be," she sighed, rolling off her bed and walking over to her bedside table. "Tony's afraid of you, he's also afraid of me." Bucky chuckled sadly. "Well he's lucky I haven't killed him yet, everyone's lucky I haven't killed them yet," she sighed, pulling a cigarette from the small box on the table and placing it between her plump red lips, lighting it with a touch of her finger. "You think you're a ticking bomb?" He questioned, laying back on her bed.

"Yeah, back when I was in base four sixty and I was burning it to the ground I didn't think about if I was hurting other test subjects. Wanda and Pietro were in that building." She chuckled, smoke flowing from her lips. "I was just seventeen at the time, but I can't go back on any of my mistakes so here I am, rotting away in this room because Tony is afraid that I'll hurt someone. He's probably more afraid of me now he knows I burnt down that base." She said taking a long drag of her cigarette. "Anyway, I gotta make some calls, a friend of mine has some of my stuff still, he was out of town for awhile." She explained grabbing her phone, watching Bucky get up and leave.

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