Chapter eight

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"Pietro!" Tony called, from outside of the mans door, walking him

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"Pietro!" Tony called, from outside of the mans door, walking him. "Come in Stark," he groans sitting up on his bed, rubbing his baby blue eyes like a child. "We need Wanda and you, everyone's going out on a mission except for like Raven," stark informed, walking into the dimly lit room. "What, why isn't she going?" His accent growing thicker by the second. "We don't need to put her in harms way." He said sternly. "You never know when we'll need her, Come on Tony,"Pietro huffed. "No, end of story. She's not coming. Besides all she can do is make fire come out of her fingertips," he scoffed. "How is she supposed to show you her full potential when there's nowhere for her fully show you!" Pietro sighed, shaking his head. "She's too stubborn not to come, might as well bring her along."

"She's not coming, we don't need stuff on fire and we don't need our newest member injured or worse, dead." Tony argued. "She can handle herself Tony, she's not some fragile little girl she makes herself seem. She's extremely powerful. I know around the others she's quiet, but that's because it's a large group of people. Get to know her one on one and you'll realize that she can help. I don't even know what this mission is yet and I already know that she can help. Don't push her down, Stark. She'll push back harder." Pietro defended. "Fine, she can come, but if she gets hurt that's on you," Tony scolded pointing a finger at the blonde. "She won't get hurt, I won't let that happen."

"We're breaking into a heavy armed prison to get Sam out. He's an idiot and he got himself locked up." Tony explained. "Okay, when do we leave?"

"In an hour, we're all meeting at the top of the building." Tony sighed, leaving Pietro to gather his things and get ready. "Let Raven know!" Tony yelled before entering the elevator.

Pietro slowly got out of bed and wobbled to the bathroom, running a comb through his messy locks.
turning on the water, wetting his toothbrush that he previously covered in toothpaste and stuck it in his mouth. Turning off the water he walked into his closet, still brushing his teeth. Throwing on his grey and blue athletic shirt and his black tight fitting pants before slipping on his grey trainers. Waking back into the bathroom he spat out the toothpaste from his mouth and washed it down the drain.

Pietro disappeared from his room with a flash of blue light before he reappeared in Raven's room.
"Raven. Ray. Rave. Princessa." Pietro whined sitting next to the sleeping girl, shaking her a little bit. "We have a mission, we're leaving in an hour get up!" He smiled, smothering Raven in kisses. "Piet, I wanna sleep." She groaned, covering her face with her blanket. "And I bugged Tony about letting you come on this mission now get up," he bounced on the bed like a child. "Pietro stop," Raven laughed. "You're such a child sometimes," she teased. "Raven get up!" He smiled. "Okay, okay, I'm up," she grinned sitting up. "You gotta get ready. Wear something that you can easily move in," he smiled.

"What even is the mission?" She smiled pulling off the shirt she wore to bed. "Well one of Steve's friend who is a complete idiot got himself locked in a heavily guarded prison." Pietro chuckled. "Yeah he's an idiot." She laughed, pulling a sweatshirt over her head and slipping on some black shorts. "This good?" Raven asked, pulling her hair out of the ponytail, letting her long black locks fall to her shoulders. Pietro nodded unable to properly speak after having his breath taken away by the girl in front of him. "How long do we have till we have to leave?" She smiled nearly skipping into the bathroom, rummaging through her makeup bag for her eyeliner. "Half an hour,"

"You know you don't need all that makeup, you're gorgeous with out it." He smirked, walking to stand behind her in the bathroom. "Well maybe I don't, but it makes me feel pretty." She said leaning against the counter top getting closer to the mirror to get her eyeliner just right. "When we get back can I put makeup on you? Not like girly makeup," she asked shifting so she could do her eyeliner on the other eye. "I'll think about it." He smiled. She dug through her makeup bag picking out two different shades of red lipstick.
"Bright red or blood red?" She stool up holding the small jars up to her mouth. "Bright red," Pietro said wrapping his arms around her waist resting his head on her back. "You're going to have to let go at one point," Raven chuckled, quickly brushing her teeth before smearing the liquid that quickly dried on her lips. "No I don't." He teased and hugged her tighter. "Then at least let me turn around so I can see you," she laughed, Pietro loosening his grip. "Why are you being so clingy?" She chuckled, shifting around so he was facing the blondes direction, his grip tightening again. "A guy can't cuddle his girl?" He chuckled, Raven running her fingers through out his hair. "Well let's at least leave the bathroom," she smiled, kissing the top of his head.
"We have to go anyway," he sighed.

"Then let go," Raven laughed, trying to pry the man off her. "Nope." He said popping the 'p'. "Piet!" She whined. "Okay okay," he finally let go. "Let's go," he sighed.
"We get in and out, try not to kill anyone," Tony instructed, eyeing down Raven. "I don't always kill people." She mumbled. "Tony, stop being a dick, we know who that was aimed for. You've never seen her in a fight you don't know what she can and can't control yet. Give her a chance to show you." Bruce scolded. "Fine," The man mumbled. "You'll see Stark," Raven huffed.

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