Chapter twenty

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"Pietro, Wanda, Nat, and I are going in first

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"Pietro, Wanda, Nat, and I are going in first. Tony, Sam, Clint, Bruce, and Thor will be the distraction." Steve explained. "If anyone gets taken what will happen?" Wanda asked. "We'll get them out of there." He sighed. "My group will be trying to bust the agent out. Nat can take the computers seeing as the doors are electronic and Pietro, Wanda, and I will be busting her out of the actual cell." Everyone nodded, taking in the information. "I'll call the rest of you to my position once we got her then we're out of there," he explained once again. "Why are we here till Friday if we're going today?" Pietro questioned, folding his arms across his chest. "Just incase any of us get injured. We can take a day before we leave," Tony interjected.  "Makes sense." Pietro chuckled.

"I gotta make a call before we leave," Pietro stated, disappearing from their vision and reappearing in another room, dialling Raven's number, pressing his phone up to his ear.

"Hey Princessa," he said lovingly as the phone picked up. "Pietro!" She laughed. "I just wanted to call you before we all go and do our job," he laughed. "Don't die!" She chuckled. "I won't,"

"How's Bucky treating you?" Pietro asked, leaning against the wall. "He's good. Him and I are actually going to the mall right now," Raven laughed. "I miss you," Pietro whined.

"I miss you too, Speedy." She frowns.

"I'll call you when we get back, I gotta go." He sighed. "I love you, don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." He joked.

"Love you too, and same for you. If you do anything stupid I'll kill you," he laughed. "Bye Princessa~" he smiled.

"Bye Pietro."

The call ended shortly after with Pietro zooming back into the other room with everyone in it. "Get your shit, kid. We're leaving." Clint said walking out the door patting Pietro on the shoulder.

"Come on, Piet." Wanda smiled, walking along side him to the car.

"Everyone's waiting," Wanda informed as the both slipped into the car. "It's just outside of town, it shouldn't take that long," Clint smiled. "Everyone's way too fucking happy all the time," Pietro huffed, folding his arms across his chest. "Your just mad because you can't get laid until we get back," Tony teased, gesturing his hand back at the blonde. "It's not because I can't get laid!" Pietro whined, flipping Tony off.

"You're a little shit, you know that, Maximoff?" He snapped, shifting in his seat. "Well, you act like one. At least Raven and I can act like adults when we need too!" Pietro snapped back.

"How 'bout we chill and just wait until we get there and take our anger out on the people we're fighting!" Clint said, hitting Pietro on the back of the head.

"Nat get that door open!" Steve called into the intercom set everyone had. "On it, Rogers." She replied, fingers swiftly typing away, getting the door to open. "Cell one o'four." Nat informed, watching as Hydra agents flooded the room. "Hey boys," she smirked, kicking her body over the desk to get closer to agents. "Feel free to make this first move," Natasha stood there, hand on her hip, before she fell to the ground using her leg to knock over some agents. "You guys are slow." She laughed. Shooting at the men in front of her, killing a few, not even worrying about getting hurt.

"Pietro! Cell one o'four!" Wanda exclaimed, red electric lighting flowing from her fingertips as she threw agents against the walls and floor. "Steve, go!" She grunted throwing more men into the walls. "Everyone on my position. Distract the agents and help Wanda, two of you come help Pietro and I!" Steve called into the intercom.

"Nows a good time to Hulk out, buddy." Clint chuckled running thro the building, bow in hand.

"He's already hulked out, bird." Thor said, following close behind Clint and Hulk.

"You guys go help out the witch, Sam and I got Cap and Pietro!" Tony instructed, flying past them, Sam following.

"How you doing down there, Speedy?" Tony asked, shooting down hydra agents. "I got her, everyone clear out of here," he yelled, disappearing with a flash of blue, stopping after a bullet wheat through his arm. "Sam, get Natasha, the rest of you get out of here and make sure you're okay!" Steve instructed.

"Anyone hit?" Sam asked, flying his way into the computer room, picking up Nat. "I got jabbed in the leg," Nat let out a breathy sigh. "Shot in the arm," Pietro laughed. "Of course you did," Wanda scolded. "The rest of us are fine," Clint smiled, grabbing Wanda by the hand and running out of the building and into the car. "So who's driving?" Clint laughed, dusting himself off. "Steve?" Pietro smirked raising an eyebrow at the man, setting the SHEILD agent down on the seat.
"Yep I'm driving," he smiled, everyone piled into the car and the sped off.

"Can we get food? I'm starving!" Pietro whined. "For once I agreed with the kid, but sadly we have to get back and cleaned up." Tony sighed, running his hands through his hair as his suit disappeared.

"Of course we do," Pietro groaned. "At least he's feeding us," Nat joked.

"You two suck!" Tony whined.

You fast Sokovian bastard // Pietro MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now