Chapter twenty one

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"Do you really need all this stuff?" Bucky whined, carrying several bags up to Raven's room

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"Do you really need all this stuff?" Bucky whined, carrying several bags up to Raven's room. "Yes, I do." She replied, opening her bedroom door. "Sometimes I feel bad for Pietro,"

"Why?" Raven exclaimed, dropping her bags down next to the closet. "Because you're demanding!" Bucky jokes, getting the bags on his hands down next to the rest of them. "I'm probably the best thing that happened to him," Raven defended. "And at last I can remember when his birthday is!" Raven growled, flopping back into her bed. "Does he even know when your birthday is?"

"Yeah," she sighed, hands running throughout her hair.

"God, I just wanna know that he's safe!" Raven sighed, pulling her phone out of her pocket.
"Your birthday is on Monday right?" Tony asked Pietro. "Yeah," he yawned, pulling his phone from his pocket, fidgeting with it. "And Raven's is on Thursday?" Pietro nodded. "Why don't we throw a party for you guys on Tuesday? For all three of you!" Tony smiled.

"Raven doesn't do birthday parties." Pietro said blankly. "And well me personally, I don't want one. Throw a party for Wanda if that's something she wants, just not Raven and I."

"What kind of person doesn't do birthday parties?" Clint exclaimed.

"Raven and I," Pietro spat.

"Oh shit!" Nat laughed.

"Guys stop being annoying, she's waking up." Wanda said, sounding annoyed.

"Wh-where am I?" She asked.
"Your in a car on your way to a hotel where we will get you cleaned up," Bruce smiled. "Who are you?" She asked, her body shaking slightly. "Were the Avengers, Nick Fury sent us you save you from that Hydra base." Steve explained.

"Steve?" He asked confused and dumbfounded. Steve hummed in response. "It's been awhile, Ruby." He smiled.

"Wait, you know her?" Clint asked, leaning against the window.

"I had worked with her a long time ago." Steve explained.

"Okay a more important question is did they inject you with serums?" Pietro asked, looking in Ruby's direction. "No, they were planning on it though." She replied.

"Sorry for my brother being so blunt." Wanda apologized. "It's okay," Ruby chuckled nervously.

"Can we go back to our conversation about the birthday party?" Tony interjected.

"Non of us want a party, just shut up, Stark." Wanda growled.

"We got a pissed off witch!" Tony exclaimed.
"I will flip you out of this car, I swear to god Stark!" She boomed. "God she's scary," Thor laughed.

"Imma sleep, wake me up when we're back at the hotel or when we have food." Pietro announced, resting his head against the window. His eyes fluttering shut, his body vibrating slightly from adrenaline.

"The kid sure really got a buzz from that," Clint joked. "He finds stuff like that fun, it also helps him from not vibrating out of his skin." Wanda explained, resting her head on her brothers shoulder.

"He's been doing better, he's less shaky." She smiled. "It started when Raven joined four months ago." She yawned.

"Has it really been four months?" Clint laughed.


"I see you've recruited more members since the last time I saw you Rogers." Ruby smirked. "Just three." Tony interjected.

"Pietro and Wanda, the Maximoff twins. And Raven Noir." Steve explained.

"He's fast, she's weird, and Raven is flaming." He chuckled.

"How old is Raven?" Ruby asked.

"She'll be twenty on the thirteenth." Tony smirked.

"And the twins?"

"Nineteen on the tenth."Tony informed.

"What do you want for dinner?" Bucky smiled, leaning against the kitchen counter. "I don't care, I'll eat whatever." Raven smiled. "Are you going to do anything for Pietro for his Birthday?"

"Probably not, we're probably just sleep in and stuff." She answered, sitting down on one of the breakfast stools.

"What about for your birthday?" Bucky smiled, pulling out one of Pietro's frozen pizzas, plopping it in the oven.

"Probably lounge about." She sighed, resting her head on her arms.

"That seems nice. Are you going to get anything for Wanda?"

"I don't know. God I just wanna sleep." She chuckled.

"I think they're coming back tomorrow." Bucky cheered.

"Good, cause it's boring here with just the two of us!" She groaned.

"Well you have barely left Pietro's room!" Bucky defended. "Because his stuff is more comfortable than mine." She laughed.

"Plus his stuff smells like him." She mumbled.

"You're weird."

This is being cut short cuz I can't think. The next chapter will be longer.

You fast Sokovian bastard // Pietro MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now