Chapter twenty nine

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"Have You talked to Stark at all today?" Raven asked

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"Have You talked to Stark at all today?" Raven asked. "No, he did say that there was a change in plans and Thor as suggested the release of his brother Loki, so your dad won't be there after Thursday and we can go back." Clint gave her a reassuring smiled before taking the kids off to school.

"Okay, Pietro you're really gross right now, go shower." Raven whined as Pietro wrapped his arm around Raven just to be pushed off.

"I don't wanna." He groaned. "Just go!" She laughed.

"I'll be in the living room when you come out." She smiled, watching Pietro shuffle away.

"I'm guessing someone had a fun time last night," Steve teased. "Fuck yeah, I did." She laughed as she fiddled with the diamond ring on her finger. "Wait, did he- did Pietro?" Steve stumbled over his words. "Yes he did." She smiled. "My brother finally grew a pair," Wanda laughed walking into the room. "Congratulations by the way!" She beamed.

"Thanks," Raven chuckled, pulling the sleeves of her gridded jacket over her hands. "Hey guys!" Laura greeted. "Clint told me you made the kids pancakes for breakfast this morning, Raven." She smiled. "Thanks for that," she yawned, having just woken up. "And congratulations on your engagement." Laura smiled before making herself something to eat.

"Thanks!" Raven smiled, keeping her head down slightly. "Still thinking about your dad?" Bucky asked, noticing her actions. "What makes you think that?" She snapped back. "That does." He sighed. "I'm not thinking about him." She sighed in anger, getting up and walking into her bedroom. "Let Pietro know I'm in our room!" She called out, shutting the door behind her.

Everyone sitting in nice and neat rows, all dressed in formal clothes. People staring in awe at the two people at the front, standing at the alter in black and white, Raven and Pietro exchanging wedding vows.

Gunshots firing, and blood everywhere.

"Raven?" Pietro called sympathetically, seeing Raven curled up in a ball on the bed in the middle of the room. "Hey, hey, it's okay." He cooed rushing over to her, pulling her into his chest, wiping away the tears from her cheeks. "What happened?" Her breath hitched as she sobbed. "Just a daydream. Not a good one." She sobbed into his chest, setting his shirt. "What happened during it?"

"Everyone w-was all dressed up, it was our wedding. There were gunshots and blood everywhere. I couldn't see who was shot." She sobbed even more. "It's okay," he whispered. "Everything's okay." He cooed, his hands cupping her cheeks, giving her a short and passionate kiss. "I'm sorry I'm so broken." Raven muttered, wiping away her tears.

"Don't apologize for that, that's something you should never have to apologize for." Pietro whispered kissing her forehead. "I promised myself that I'd be okay for today because it was your birthday. I failed." Her voice broke with every word.

"Listen, I love you, you know that, yes?" He asked, earning a small nod from Raven. "Then you haven't failed." He smiled sadly. "Now let's take a moment to collect ourselves and then we can go back out there okay?"

"But what if what happened in my daydream thing actually happens?" Her voice unsteady, her body was shaking. "It won't." Pietro pulled her closer into his chest, just sitting there letting her calm down. 

"You guys okay?" Wanda asked through the door. "Everything's okay." Pietro responded. "We'll be out in a minute."

"You're mine, and I'm not gonna let anything horrible happen to you." Pietro kissed her forehead before pulling away slightly. "Ready to go back out there?" He earned a small nod from Raven as they both got up and left the room. Raven's arms still wrapped around Pietro, making it slightly harder to walk. "Everything okay?" Bucky asked. Raven nodded, not saying a word.

"What do you wanna do? Clint's getting back soon and we have until three to fuck around." Pietro smiled, rubbing Raven's back. "I don't know, but I'm in desperate need of a haircut and we're not allowed to leave the property." She sighed.

"Laura, are you good at cutting hair?" Pietro asked, walking into the lounge where Laura sat. "I'd say so, yeah. Why?" She question, putting her book down. "Can you cut Raven's hair? She told me that she was in desperate need of a haircut, but we're not allowed to leave the property." He sighed with a smug smirk on his face. "I mean sure!" Laura smiled.

"Raven get your butt in here!" Pietro laughed, dragging Raven into the room. "I can cut your hair if you'd like," Laura laughed. "That's would be amazing if you could." Raven shyly smiled.

"I'll go set up a spot, while you grab your hairbrush." She smiled. Raven smiled and rushed to grab her hairbrush and her phone so she wouldn't get bored.

"I could've gotten that for you." Pietro smiled, kissing her briefly before zooming off. "Dork." She chuckled, mumbling under her breath. "First of all, how much of this lovely long hair do you wanna cut off?" Laura asked, patting the dining room chair she placed in the kitchen. "I want my hair at shoulders length, its getting way too long for my liking." Raven laughed, pulling off her jacket. "With the amount of hair we're about to cut off, you could make a wig!" Laura teased, Raven sitting down. "Can you hand me your brush?" She asked politely, Raven complying. "Pietro really loves you, doesn't he?" Laura smiled, brushing out any knots in Raven's hair. "I'd like to think so," Raven laughed, fidgeting with her phone. "Do you know if you two want kids?"

"We do," Raven smiled. "I'm jealous of your family." Ae admitted as Laura wet Raven's hair, roughly cutting it just below her shoulders. "Why?"

Hair fell to the floor and onto Raven's lap with each cut Laura did. "You have a perfect children and a perfect husband, despite how much of a little shit he can be at work," Raven laughed, Clint walking back into the house, setting his keys on the small table the have set by the door. "I'm back!" He sighed.

"Speak of the devil," Raven chuckled. "What's going on in here?" Clint teased, walking into the kitchen. "I'm cutting Raven's hair." Laura explained, walking in front of Raven, evening her hair to sit on her shoulders. "Sounds fun!" Clint smiled. "Where Steve, do you know?"

"I think both him and Bucky are out chopping wood," Laura smiled. "There you go!" She smiled, brushing hair off of Raven's back. "Thanks so much!"

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