Chapter sixteen

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 "Have fun, love birds?" Sam teased

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"Have fun, love birds?" Sam teased.
"Dick," Raven muttered. "What did you say?" Sam exclaimed.

"Nothing!" Raven laughed, hiding behind Pietro slightly. "Let's get some food," Pietro smiled. "So you don't hate him anymore?" Sam asked, following the two into the kitchen. "No, no I don't," she chuckled, watching as the rest of the group get their food and sit down. "You're not one to hold a grudge, are you?" Sam asked, filling up his plate. "I hold grudges, long grudges, but I can't hold one against Pietro," she smirked, plopping a small amount of food on her plate. "Aw that's gross!" Sam teased.

"Oh shut it!" Pietro laughed, following the same actions as the others. "It is gross!" Sam exclaimed, flopping down in his seat, Pietro and Raven following.

"What's gross?" Clint chimed in.

"Raven and Pietro," Sam snorted.

"Yeah that's gross," Clint agreed. "You better shut the fuck up," Raven laughed, sitting down at the crowded table. "language! Peter's here," Steve scolded.

"I'm uh fifteen, sir." Peter said politely. "For a fifteen year old you seem way too innocent," Raven teased. Peter's face turned a ghostly white as everyone laughed. "I don't really trust a man without a dark side," Raven sighed. "Oh wait, you're still a boy!" She laughed.

"Come on Raven, leave him alone." Pietro sighed. "You're no fun, Piet." She pouted, remaining silent for the rest of dinner, watching everyone engage into a large conversation.

"You finished, Raven?" Bucky asked, earning a small nod. "I can take your plate for you," he smiled warmly. "No no, it's fine," she replied quietly, standing up and grabbing her plate, a few others following. "You got oddly quiet, is everything okay?" Bucky asked sympathetically.

"I'm fine,"

"Let me know if you need to talk, man. I'm always down to listen," he smiled, putting his plate into the sink, Raven following his actions.

"Ms. Noir? Mr. Stark said that you can create fire and stuff! Is that true?" Peter smiled as he ran up to her. "Yep," she smiled, holding her hand out, igniting a small flame, letting it flicker.

"Oh my god that's so cool!" He beamed in awe. "I know right!" She smiled back, closing her hand, putting out the flame. "Go bother Stark, kid." She smiled, tussling his hair before walking off.

"Oh no you don't! Don't send him to bother me! You're dead Raven!" Tony yelled watching her walk off. "You're girlfriend is dead, Maximoff." Tony sighed.

"I'll kill you if you will her, Stark,"

The sun was setting, stars were peeking through in the sky. Clouds turning bright shades of pink and orange, the light shining on the girl sitting on the ground of her balcony, bottle of whiskey in hand, head resting against the wall.

"Raven? What are you doing out here?" Pietro asked, peeking his head out the balcony door in her room.

"I'm drinking," she smiled weakly. "Come inside, you'll catch a cold." Pietro said sympathetically. "I don't care," she chuckled, pulling out a cigarette and placing it between her lips. "I like it out here," she sighed, lighting the stick between her lips, smoke flowing into the brightly lit sky.

"I know something's wrong, so, what is it?"

"I can't help, but to think about that night. I was a pussy and I ran off," she sighed, her hands shaking as she brought the bottle up to her lips. "You has every reason to run off,"

Pietro slowly stepped out onto the balcony, shutting the door behind him.
"It sucks, I can't even get properly drunk off this anymore," she frowned, pulling her cigarette back up to her mouth, taking a long drag.

"You never really told me everything about your past, why is that?" Pietro said, sitting next to her, grabbing the bottle from next to her and taking a sip.

"It's just not something I talk about, if people ask I tell them the short version," she sighed, smoke flowing from her mouth.

"I want the long version," Pietro said, his hand moving to rest on her thigh.
"Really?" She asked quietly.

"We shouldn't keep secrets," Pietro smiled, bringing the bottle up to his lips once again.

"I guess I should start from the very beginning," she sighed, breath unsteady.

"When I was little I used to live in England, at age five I was t-taken away from my family. They threw me into a cell and wouldn't let me leave until I agreed too let them experiment on me," Raven's voice cracked, silent tears streaming down her face.

"They strapped me down to a table and shoved needles in my body, they put me through many physical and mental tests. The worst part is they would put me in a tank of water to see if it would hurt me, I nearly drowned each time." Raven stammered, her body shaking as she took another long drag of her cigarette before putting it out.
She let out a shaky breath before continuing.

"Eventually they created something they couldn't stop, and then I set the whole base on fire, killing everyone inside. I was just seventeen." Raven choked out a small sob, bringing her legs up to her chest. "I didn't bother about the other people they were torturing,"

Pietro pulled Raven into his chest, letting her curl up into him.

"What base was it, do you remember?" He asked, setting the bottle in his hand down, pulling her closer.

"Base four sixty," She sobbed. "Some people got out," Pietro smiled warmly.

"How do you know?" She asked, looking up at him, wiping away her tears. "Wanda and I were in that base."

"I'm so sorry," her voice broke again, more tears streaming down her face.

"It's okay, it's okay," he hushed, kissing the top of her head. She shook her head and buried it in his chest. "Everything's okay, no one is going to force you to do anything like they did." He cooed.

"I hate myself for ever agreeing to let them experiment on me. My power is just a constant reminder that I can destroy buildings and I can kill a lot of people with the snap of my fingers."

You fast Sokovian bastard // Pietro MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now