Chapter twenty six

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"How long till we're there, Clint?" Steve asked, running his long fingers though his dirty blonde locks

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"How long till we're there, Clint?" Steve asked, running his long fingers though his dirty blonde locks. "About an hour," Clint chuckled. Sounds of clicking of buttons and shifts of gear sticks filling the area.

"Fuck that's too long," Raven muttered, half asleep in Pietro's arms.
"Language." Steve sighed. "I heard you swear the other day, don't give me that shit." Raven laughed.

"She's kinda right, punk." Bucky chuckled, wrapping his arm around Steve, resting it on his shoulders.


"How long have we been sitting here?" Wanda whined, leaning her head on Pietro's shoulder. "Only four maybe five hours." Clint laughed.

An hour slowly rolled by, Raven asleep in Pietro's arms, Wanda too. Pietro was resting his head on Raven's, still awake.

"What time is it?" Pietro whined.

"It's only like four pm." Bucky sighed.

"Wake the girls up, we're landing." Clint said, being extra careful with his landing.

"Wanda. Wanda, wake up." Pietro sighed nudging Wanda awake. "We're landing." Steve smiled as Wanda rubbed her tired eyes like a child. "About damn time." She yawned.

"Princessa, time to get up." Pietro whispered kissing her cheek. "We're landing." Pietro kissed her cheek once more as she awoke.

"I'm up, I'm up." She groaned, rubbing her eyes as she sat up.

"Where are we?" Raven yawned, using her fingers to comb through her now messy hair. "We're at my farm. It's off of SHEILD's files and I'd like to keep it that way," Clint explained, hopping out of the helicopter with his bag in hand, helping the rest of them get out.

"I'll have to let Tony know that I took you, I'll say we went on a small trip for awhile, but if any of us are needed we can come back." Clint explained opening his front door, letting everyone walk in.

"Honey, I'm home!" Clint chuckled, setting his bag down as a lady peered from behind a corner. "Hey!" She smiled, kissing Clint quickly before standing beside him. "Sorry I didn't call first, there was a situation at the tower." Clint explained. "Guys this is Laura." He smiled.

"I know most of your names, except for the younger ones." She smiled.

"Wanda, and this is Pietro." Wanda smiled, Pietro gave a small wave. "I-I'm Raven." Raven muttered, smiling slightly, her arm linking with Pietro's.

"Daddy!" A little cheered running into the room. "Oh, incoming!" He laughed picking her up as a taller little boy came running, latching to his dad's side. "Hey buddy!" Clint chuckled, ruffling his hair. "This little one is Lila," Laura smiled as The little girl turned to face the new people in the room. "And this one's Cooper." Clint smiled, patting the boys back as he set Lila down.

"Did you bring Aunty Nat?" Lila asked, tugging on his shirt. "She couldn't come, but we can call her after dinner." Clint suggested, earning a smile and a nod from his daughter. "I missed you." Cooper smiled, pulling away from Clint. "Missed you too, bud."

"Dinner is in an hour." Laura smiled, patting Clint on the chest leaving him to show everyone to their room.

"Just don't be loud past ten." Clint teased, helping everyone to their rooms. "Bathroom is just down the hall." Clint smiled, walking away to go tend to his wife and children.

"Who knew Clint had a wife and kids?" Raven sighed, throwing her bag on the floor of the bedroom.

"It's nice." She smiled, falling back into the bed.

"What is?" Pietro question, his blue eyes lit up in the dimly light room. "What he has. I want a family, one better than mine." She explained, pulling Pietro on top of her. "We could have that." Pietro smirked, kissing her jaw. "You're a dork." She smiled, her lips pressing against his. "I'm your dork," he winked, his hand bushing up her neck and too her cheek. "Would you want kids?" She beamed, her green eyes twinkling underneath the gaze of his blue ones. "Of course."

Pietro rolled over, pulling Raven on top of him, brushing her hair away from her face. "Only if they were with you."

"You're so mushy!" She laughed, sitting up. "Oh you love it!" He smirked, pulling her in for another kiss.

"But what if they end up like us. With powers. What they did to us became apart of our genetics. They could be born into a life like ours and if my father isn't dead then he could take them and turn them into a weapon." Raven's mind ran with horrible possibilities. "If they're born like us then we'll help them control it, and we won't let anything horrible happen to them." Pietro reassured, his forehead pressing against hers.

"God, I love you." Rave smiled, her arms loosely wrapping around his neck. "I love you too, Princessa." Pietro smiled, his accent becoming thicker.

"You losers decent?" Wanda laughed through the door as it opened. "Yeah." Raven smiled, sitting down next to Pietro. "I'm bored, you guys wanna go fool around with the kids outside?" She smiled. "Is Clint okay with it?" Pietro asked, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah." Wanda smiled. Pietro zoomed up, grabbing Raven's hand pulling her to her feet. "Let's go!" He grinned, he was as excited as the kids were.

"Okay, okay!" She laughed following Wanda and the kids out to the front yard. "Let's play tag!" Cooper smiled, dragging Wanda towards him. "Who's it?" Raven smiled. "Hmmm. Him!" Lila grinned pointing at Pietro. "Oh, he's fast." Wanda teased. "Not as fast as me!" Lila defended, running around Wanda and Pietro. "Wow that's fast!" Raven smiled. "Okay, count to ten then you can start tagging us!" Cooper yelled as he ran away from the group, Lila following. "One!" Pietro called, everyone running in different direction, but still on the front lawn. "Two, Three, four, five!" Pietro called, looking around. "Six, seven, eight, nine, Ten!" He yelled, zooming off in the direction the kids went. "Gotcha Cooper!" Pietro smiled as he tagged him, and jogging off. "Got you Lila!" He smiled, jogging away from her as she chased after him. "Okie!" She cried, scraping her knee off of a rock, falling to the ground. Everyone rushed over to the little girl who's knee was covered in blood. "It hurts!" She cried, rubbing away the tears from her eyes. "Here." Raven smiled, opening a bandage she kept in her pocket. "There ya go." Raven places the bandage on her knee before picking her up. "Let's go inside, dinner will be ready soon." Raven instructed as Cooper ran inside, followed by Wanda.

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