Chapter eighteen

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"Wait, since when do you play any instruments?" Pietro questioned, picking up the red bass from its case

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"Wait, since when do you play any instruments?" Pietro questioned, picking up the red bass from its case. "Since seventeen," she chuckled nervously.

"You're just full of surprises!" He smiled, placing it back.

"Well Andrew and I were going to start a band, but stuff happened and he had to move back home for awhile, he just came back to town, our old apartment still filled with some of his stuff, he said when he got back he'd give me his bass." She laughed, pulling it out of the case and pulling the strap over her shoulder, sitting down on her bed.

"Give me a song to play,"

"Play thanks for the memories by fall out boy!" He beamed, staring in awe as she strummed each string in beat with the tune of the song.

"You know you could still start a band, work here would interfere at times, but you could still make it work." He smiled. "I don't have my guitarist or my drummer. Andrew has to go back home soon and our friend Ashley moved back to England." Raven sighed, pulling the strap back over her head and placing it on her bed before he set up the guitar stand and the amp.

"Plus I have too much anxiety over it, it would never really work. I'd play at Stark's parties or something, but that's about it. If he can find me a guitarist and a drummer I can figure some shit out and I'll play, but you better be standing at the front." She smirked knowing that Tony would never allow her to play at one of his parties.

"Pietro we gotta go! Stark is waiting downstairs!" Wanda yelled from outside Raven's door. "I gotta go." Pietro sighed, giving Raven a quick kiss. "The code for my room is seventeen forty," he smirked giving Raven another quick kiss before rushing out of the room, grabbing his bags from the front of his room.

"Love you!" He yelled before rushing downstairs to the lobby.

"Love you too!" She sighed, flopping back into her bed, staring up at her ceiling, laying there for a few minutes.

"They're gone," Bucky sighed, appearing in her doorway. "Yep," Raven said popping the 'p'.

"What are you going to do?" Bucky chuckled.

"I'm gonna lay here and probably sleep or read, maybe go lay in Pietro's bed." Raven sighed, sitting up to look at the long haired brunette. "Are you going to act distant until he gets back?" He questioned.

"Yeah, and what's up with all the questions?" She chuckled, getting up and grabbing a book from her bookshelf, throwing it on the bed. "I don't know." He muttered, watching Raven collect her laptop, book, and phone charger.

"You really didn't have to stay here, you know?" She muttered.

"Steve really wanted you to go," Raven sighed, walking past the Brunette and other to Pietro's door, typing his code into the little pad next to the door.

"He just doesn't like fighting without me," Bucky chuckled, following Raven. "That's weird," she laughed, putting her stuff down on Pietro's bed.

"Okay, you're getting pretty invasive and it's weird." She huffed, shutting the door in front of his face. "I wanna be alone!" Raven yelled through the door.

"Ready to go Speedster?" Tony asked, wrapping his arm around Pietro. "Yep," he sighed, piling into the car, Wanda Following.

"How long till we get there? I'm already getting fidgety," Pietro chuckled.

"Well were meeting up with an old friend of mine, he's going to fly us to Germany where the base is," Tony explained.

"I could have just ran there!" Pietro exclaimed.

"But you'd be waiting for us to get there and you'd probably do some stupid shit, kid."

"I told you to stop calling me kid!" Pietro whined.

"I'll stop when you turn nineteen. By the way when is your birthday?" Tony chuckled.

"February tenth, that's next week." Wanda smiled.

"Then next week I'll stop calling you kid," Tony snickered.

"You fucking suck," Pietro huffed, slumping back into his seat.

"And don't you bother yelling at me Caption Language," Pietro laughed.
"This is going to be a long ass drive," Clint sighed from behind Pietro.

"Just don't pay attention to Pietro and it will go by faster than you'd think," Nat smiled, leaning on Bruce, slowly drifting off to sleep.

"How long till we get to your friends?" Pietro asked repeatedly. "About two hours," he sighed. "It would have been old half an hour if we didn't have weapons or Thor," Tony laughed.

"What's wrong with me!" Thor boomed. "Your huge, you smash mugs when you're finished drinking out of them, and your loud." Tony laughed.

"Oh Stark, did you know Raven plays bass?" Pietro asked, feeling the need to talk to someone.

"No I didn't, and let me guess either you or her are going to ask me if she can play at one of my parties?"

"Yeah," Pietro chuckled.

"The answer is no." Tony said bluntly.

"Why not!" Pietro whined.

"Pietro, just except his answer and quit whining." Wanda scholded, hitting Pietro on the back of his head.

"You know I'm twelve minutes older than you!" He defended, rubbing the back of his head. "Doesn't mean you're more responsible, Pietro!" She growled.

"Could you guys shut up?" Bruce scolded.

"That's impossible for those two, man. It's fucking impossible." Clint said resting his head on the back of his seat.

"Could you stop swearing?" Steve boomed from the front seat.

"Caption Language is back!" Pietro teased.

"Okay Mr. righteous!" Clint laughed, high fiving Pietro. "Nice one!" Pietro snorted.

"We work with fucking children," Steve sighed. "Captain Language swore!" Pietro exclaimed. "Oh now, he's going to hell," Pietro snorted.

"I'm already there," Steve growled.

"Can we just sit in silence?" Tony huffed.

"I agree with Stark," Wanda sighed, resting her hand on her forehead.

"They're just having fun," Thor interjected.

"Unwanted fun," Bruce sighed, wrapping an arm around Natasha.

"You guys suck!" Pietro whined.

"Oh shut it, kid." Steve groaned.

You fast Sokovian bastard // Pietro MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now