Chapter three

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Noon hit fast, Raven's belongings were in her little room in the Stark tower after hours of moving stuff

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Noon hit fast, Raven's belongings were in her little room in the Stark tower after hours of moving stuff.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat," the blonde smiled, Raven nodded in agreement. "Let's just go McDonald's or something, there's one around the corner," Raven suggested. Pietro physically exhausted from all the running around and the lifting of heavy objects. "We're walking there then, I'm exhausted." He chuckled tiredly. "Afterward I need to stop at a gas station or a corner store," Raven reminded herself. "Okay, let's just eat first."

They ordered their food, Pietro pulling out his wallet handing the lady behind the counter a a few bills. "Keep the change." He smiled, grabbing the tray of food bringing it to a small table in the corner of the restaurant where Raven sat. "Here you go," The blonde plopped down onto the chair arms resting on the table. "You never really told me why you were moving into the tower, why?" He questioned, unwrapping his burger and shoving some of it in his mouth. "Well it's a long story, but to make it short I can create fire and I thought it might help out the Avengers or something." Raven replied shoving a few fries into her pretty little mouth before taking a sip of her drink. "That's really fucking cool!" Pietro beamed, even more intrigued with the girl in front of him. Her hair still in a messy bun like last night, just neater. "Well at least someone thinks so, if normal people knew they would be afraid of me." She sighed and continued eating. "It's their loss. People don't understand my sister and I, we made a mistake that we can't take back and people will never look at us the same, but we've learnt to live with it. Things like that get easier." He smiled. "You're too optimistic about that. You're fast and she's weird, I'm a ticking bomb." She laughed. "So is the rest of the world. Being with the avengers and working for shield will help make them see you different, trust me." His accent was soft, not as thick as  last night. "Let's hope so," she smiled, shoving more food into her face. "I still have to meet everyone don't I? I know you, Tony, and I've seen Wanda." She smiled, finishing her food and wading the papers into a ball. "We can do that at dinner, that's the only time everyone is there." He took another big bite of his burger. "How the hell are you already done you're food?" He chuckled still shoving food down his throat. "Maybe you're just slow," she teased. "That's almost impossible."

"Maybe not," she laughed. "Hurry up I need to go to the corner store," she whined. Pietro scarfed down the last bit of his food. "There, let's go." He laughed, holding out a hand for Raven to hold. "Why do you need to go to the store anyway?" Raven grabbed ahold of the mans hand and stood up. "Smokes and candy." She grinned as they both walked out of the lonely restaurant. "I look pure and innocent, but I'm just your average teenage runaway." She laced fingers with the blonde. "A hot teenage runaway," he smirked, admiring the girl next to him. "Hey Sonic, my eyes are up here," she smiled, pointing up to her face. "I know we don't know much about each other and I know it is kind of sudden, but I'm falling for you Raven. I- I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend. I can't promise I'll be good at being a boyfriend, but I can try." His voice soft and a little unsteady. "Does this answer your question?" She grabbed ahold of his chin, pulling his face up slightly, and smashing her perfectly plump red lips against his. They started to move in sync with one another before letting go for air. "I think I need another," he smirked. "Of course you do," Raven chuckled giving him a small peck on the lips. "Now does that answer your question?" Every time She looked at the blonde man before her- her eyes lit up with joy and a smile was plastered on her face. "Yes it does." Pietro smirked, his arm sneaking around Raven's waist and resting on her hip. "Do you want anything from the store? I'm paying this time." She smiled. "liquorice!" His baby blue eyes lit up. "You better share then!" Raven grinned, running into the store, picking out a few candies before bringing them to the counter. "And two packs of camel's please," she smiled at the man behind the counter as he grabbed the packs of cigarettes and plopped them into a bag. The total popped up on the screen as she handed the man come cash. "Here you go," he sighed handing her the bag of sweets. Running out of the store jumping off the small ledge. "Come on Pietro." Raven smiled, grabbing a pack of cigarettes, opening it and plopping one in between her lips. "Gimme your hand," Pietro whined. "One sec!" She laughed, putting the small box into her back pocket and sticking up her index finger with a small flame on top, lighting the cigarette in her mouth. The flame slowly disappeared as she reached for Pietro's hand. "You gotta take the bag though," Pietro reached over to grab the plastic bag, letting rest on his wrist before shoving his hand into his pocket. "Can we watch a movie when we get back?" Raven asked, smoke flowing from her mouth. "Sure, my room though, yours is still filled with boxes." He smirked, kissing her cheek. She slowly inhaled the toxic smoke, dragged her fingers away from her mouth. "Let's hope we don't fall asleep before dinner, I want to meet everyone." The smoke flowed from between her plump red lips. "You look so kissable right now." Pietro smirked. "You're acting like a horny teenager, Piet." Raven's fingers tapped on the cigarette, ash falling to the ground. "Well you know I'm a flirt," his smirk got bigger. "Wait until we get back, Speedy." She laughed, taking one last drag before stepping on the bud.

"Can I have one more kiss until we get back?"

"Why can't you wait?"

"Cause I don't want too,"

He smirked and gave her a kiss on the temple, wrapping his arm around her waste. "If you can't wait then speed us home,"

"Okay," he swept her up and he was gone with her in his arms in the blink of an eye.

You fast Sokovian bastard // Pietro MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now