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*Kennedy's P.O.V.*

I woke up the next morning with the butterflies still existent, I wanted to cry, and I didn't know why. Was it happiness? Or remembrance of Justin, because Justin also made me happy. But Niall made me more happy. I couldn't get his wet blonde hair out of my mind, dripping all over his chest. He was nearly naked, only in his boxers, and the water soaking them sticking them to his crotch. It was hot, he was hot. I couldn't ignore the sexual thoughts that ran through my mind when I saw him like that, I couldn't resist not kissing him.

After laying in bed for an hour of daydreaming, I decided to get up and check my phone. There were 23 text messages from Niall, asking to hang out. I laughed to myself and blushed thinking he wanted to hang out so bad that he would text 23 times. I replied saying "Sure! (:" And started to get ready for the day with Niall.


"Hey, sugarplum." He said, his Irish accent adorable, walking me from my house to the car.

"Sugarplum?" I say curiously, adjusting my short dress.

He chuckled, "I don't know, just sounded cute... like you." As he talked he wrapped his arm over my shoulder and pulled me in, kissing my forehead.

"So, why did you want to hang out so bad?"

"My friends told me about this bad ass club!"

"Niall, we aren't old enough to go to clubs. We are still in high school." I wish I didn't need to say that.

"Don't worry." He smirked, pulling fake ID's for the both of us out of his pocket.

"Niall! How did you get these!" A rush of excitement takes over me, then a small bit of fear, "How did you get this picture of me?" I looked down at my ID, it was me, but I had never taken that photo before.

Niall hesitates, "A friend of a friend looks a lot like you." I decide to drop it, I told myself to believe him. Niall seated me in his passenger seat then ran around to the drivers seat and we quickly drove down unfamiliar streets. I calmed my nerves before I could tense up, distracting myself. After almost two hours of driving we pull up in front of a large building. It was hideous, graffiti, over flowing trash cans, and a prostitute on the corner. It looked abandoned, it looked like no one had tended it for years.

"Are you sure this is the place?" I say, trying to hold down my nervousness.

"Relax," Niall sighs, "This is the place, trust me." He gets out and helps me out as well, holding an arm around my waist as we walk towards to entrance. The metal handles shook loosely and screamed when Niall turned them. I was scared of what I might see on the inside of the building, there could be druggies, hookers, or criminals. I could feel my heart beat harder when he pulled open the doors, but the inside looked like a regular club, at least like the ones I'd seen on T.V.. Niall still holding me walks us in, pushing through the large crowd of people. The smell of alcohol and weed were strong, so I breathed through my mouth to avoid it. There were women dancing everyone, grinding, stripping, and a few were even completely naked. Niall didn't look at any of them, which shocked me. Niall continued pushing us through the crowd till we reach a seating area, and sat us down with four other guys.

"Glad to see you could make it!" One with curly hair and a deep British voice said sexily, he was painfully handsome.

"Hell yeah! I wanted to show my girl this place. It's fantastic." They had to yell to hear each other over the music.

"She's very beautiful." The one with flippy brown hair, also British, but a slightly higher pitched voice said, "We've heard lots about you." He smiled sweetly. Before I could thank him a song called "Do I Wanna Know" by Arctic Monkeys turned on and Niall leaped from his seat grabbing my hand pulling me with him.

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