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I hadn't heard anything from Niall, and it worried me. Ever since the fight, I've wanted to fix things, but I was kinda stuck in a trunk somewhere.

Once I had finally gotten home last night, I stuffed my face with food galore, and scrubbed my body raw in a nice long shower. It felt good to be home, but something was missing, Niall was missing.


I knocked on Niall's dorm room twice, but there was no reply, where the hell is he? I thought. I walked down the hall towards Tinley's dorm room, but haulted near the door. Faint sounds of a mattress creaking and moans sounded through the door, and I immediately turned away. I shouldn't bother what ever the hell is happening beyond that door. Maybe, Clover would know, I thought.


I knocked on Clovers door a few times before she opened it with a relieved smile on her face.

"Oh my gosh." She exhaled and pulled me into her flat for a big hug.

"Nice to see you too!" I replied playfully.

"Don't run off like that!" She laughed, "you got everyone's panties in a bunch."

"Sorry." I smiled back weakly. Now wasn't the time to tell her about what Louis had done. Speaking of which, where is Louis?

"Have you seen Niall?" I asked.

"Funny thing, he came over a couple days ago asking where you were." she smiled sweetly. Her deep red hair was up in a bun, and her eye makeup was slightly smudged. I had never seen her house without a crazy amount of people in it. It was super cozy, filled with greens and browns.

"Really?" I flushed at the thought of him looking for me. Maybe he wanted to make up too.

"Yeah! I don't know where he went off too, but did he find you?" Clover mentioned for me to sit on one of her lounge chairs. she sat across from me, holding a mug in her little hands, I wondered if she loved someone like I did.

"Uhm, no." I said quietly.

"Well, I'm sorry, I don't know where he scurried off too."

"That's okay, he's bound to come back eventually." I gave her one last smile and left after exchanging another hug.


Before I could reach my car outside Clovers house, I was stopped by Harry and Zayn, they seemed determined.

"Hey!" Zayns velvety voice called out.

"Hey?" I said back, tension growing.

"You looking for Niall?" Harry asked. I stopped in my tracts.


"Called it!" Harry laughed to Zayn.

"What do you mean?" I asked, a little on edge and continued walking towards me car.

"How much do you wanna bet that she'll chase after him when she finds out he's in jail?" Harry said towards Zayn, specifically so I would hear it.

"You're just a bunch of assholes." I mumbled and got into my car. I started up the car and started driving aimlessly. Maybe they were right, I thought, and made a left turn towards the prison.


Pissed off, with a thousand questions swirling in my mind, I sit on the stone steps that lead up to the jail entrance. I had been waiting outside for a couple hours, because I was told that they would be released soon. But it had  been too long, and the sun was setting, so I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. Right as I reached the bottom of the steps, nearing my car, I heard a familiar voice yell out my name. 

"Wait!" I turned to see Niall yelling and running down the steps.

"Niall!" I yelled back, happy tears running down my cheeks. We ran towards each other and collided roughly. 

"You scared me!" I breathed into his neck as he embraced me, and held me tightly. It felt unbelievably good to feel his chest pressed up against my own, his breath on my neck, and his warmth surrounding me. 

"You scared me!!" He said back, then let go to look at me better.

"You guys are strange." Louis said as he stalked past us, clearly upset.

"Shut it. You're lucky I didn't kill you." Niall snapped at him.

"Be glad you didn't, otherwise you would still be in there." Louis smirked and walked down the sidewalk, back towards his place, leaving  us alone.

"Are we okay?" I asked, and directed my attention back to Niall.

"Of course we are." He smiled and planted his lips on my lips. And the butterflies exploded again, man how I missed that feeling.

"Thank you. Now. Let's go chill out at your place." I smiled back and we head back to his dorm room, not letting go of each others hands.


I layed next to Niall in his bed, wearing fuzzy pajama pants and a loose tank top, it felt great to be back in his arms under his duvet covers.

"Okay," Niall says calmy, just loud enough to be heard over the tv, "be honest with me. Do you have a thing with Oliver?"

"No. I do not have a thing Oliver." I laughed slightly, more like huffed breathing. "He's gay, Niall."

"Oh! Well, that would of been nice to know." 

"How do you even know Oliver?" I asked.

"I met him in my search for you." He said and tapped the tip of my nose when he said you. I decided not to pester him on how he found him, and let it be, I was exhausted.

"What did Louis do to you excatly?" Niall asked.

"You gotta promise you wont hurt him." 

"Just tell me."

"Okay. After our break up, I took off to Olivers house to get away. I knew he would let me stay there, since he's a great friend, and that he'd help me calm down. And he did! But he didn't cause any of this. If I hadn't taken that walk the next morning, Louis would've never picked me up and locked me in the back of his car. But it's okay now. Liam saved me."

"How did-" but before he could finish his question, I hushed him, because Justins face appeared on the screen. We were watching the local news station, and I turned it up to better hear the news lady speak.

"Just last night we had a young male, by the name of Justin Robinson, turn himself in. He committed to the rape and murder of three young women, and has been sentenced to life in prison for his crimes. We send our love and condolences to the familys of Jennifer Hines, Abby Dauzart, and Lisa Enderson." The news lady said, then I quickly muted the screen. My throat throbbed a little as I remembered Jennifer, my sister, and curled up to Niall as he comforted me. 

"I miss her." A tear fell onto Niall's shirt. 

"I'm so sorry." Niall whispered, and rested his chin on my head.

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