Meeting the Parents

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(I couldn't help but add that as the photo! Its a cheesy photo of "meeting the parents" off google. Okay, back to the story! XD)

It's been a month since I spent the night with Niall in that small cabin, and to be honest our "relationship", (We still haven't spoken about that,) has been going beautifully. We have been messaging and talking and being together often, and I really do love this man.
It was one of those lazy days where I was sitting in my room alone watching re-runs of Full House and stuffing my face. I was in the middle of shoving another spoonful or cereal in my mouth when Niall called. I answered to him saying, "Hey, look outside." So I stood up and walked over to my bed side window, I pushed open the curtains and made a silly face from the sudden light. Niall stood outside the window with flowers and chuckled sweetly at my reaction to the light. I opened the window to hear him say, "May I join you in there?" I nodded then helped him climb through the window. Once he made it through he handed me the flowers, which smelt heavenly, and hugged me tightly. I smiled and felt the butterflies nibble at my insides as the smell of his cologne flew up my nostrils. When he let go we looked at each other for a moment, then went straight to kissing. I laughed and shh-ed him through the kiss because my parents didn't know he was over, and still didn't even know him. We fell over and onto my bed still kissing. Niall climbed over top of me as I tugged on his shirt. We stopped for a moment to breathe and laughed a little inbetween.
"So, was my lips the only reason you came?" I giggled.
"Nah, I came for your body too!" Niall teased while tickling me. I laughed too loud by accident and I heard my mothers heels walked towards my room. I panicked and shoved Niall off the side of my bed not facing the door. I went back to my cereal and tv show in time for mom to come in. My mothers face looked old and worn from stress, but it was still plain to see the shock written in her eyes.
"I haven't heard you laugh since.." She cut off her trail.
"Oh. Uhm," I struggled to think of a reason quickly, "the show, ha, it's funny." It sounded super fake, but it seemed like my mother believed it. She gave me a weird nod and slowly shut my door after she left the room. I waited to hear for my mothers foot steps trail away from my door, but she just stood there. So I pretended to get mad at the show, "DJ! Really? A new boyfriend, AGAIN! Jeez, she is a playa'!" And reluctantly my mothers footsteps faded away. I let out a sigh in relief and look over my bed for Niall. He laid on the floor with a shocked facial expression, "What was that?" He asked.
"You heard, my mother was coming." I answered shortly.
"Can your mother not know about us, or something?" Niall got up and sat next to me on my bed.
"There's an us?" I reply.
"Well, I've been telling everyone you're my girlfriend." Niall smirked. I was shocked, I never met a guy who was proud to call me their girlfriend, that meant so much to hear that from him. But then my happiness vanished as the guilt of how I never let anyone know about him kicked in. He was announcing us as a thing to the people he knew, but I was hiding him from the people I knew. Well, shit.
"Did you tell people I was your boyfriend?" Niall asked.
I hesitated to say, "Not particularly." I felt my face heat up in embarressment and shame. His expression lost its shine and he looked a little upset by that fact. But he quickly lit up again as he said, "Well, uhm. Kennedy, will you be my official girlfriend?" He grabbed my hand as he said that, and looked deep into my eyes. I giggled and responded, "Yes! I do!" making fun of a marriage proposal. He laughed too then we both laid down on my bed and watched Full House together for awhile.
"I have an idea!" I blurted in the middle of an episode.
"And what's that?" Niall asked.
"You leave and then I will tell my parents that I have been seeing someone and would like to introduce him tonight, at dinner!" I was a little unsure if I should, considering that my family was still a little shaky after we lost Jenny, but I didn't want to hide him anymore. On top of that, I was nervous, I was nervous that they wouldn't like him, or if his eyes would turn completely black again.
"Sounds good!" Niall looked over at my clock on my bedside table, "looks like dinner will be starting soon. I'll be off, text me the plan."
"Okay," I responded, "good-bye.."
"Don't be so sad, I'll be back. I always will." Niall leaned in and kissed me on the lips, pressing his hand on my bed to steady himself. But I grabbed his hand and put it on my hip, not wanting him to leave. The kissing got more intense, but he broke it off to say, "See ya in a bit... babe." After he said babe he smacked my bum and giggled before exiting through the window. I had to hold back the urge to pull him back onto my bed, damn he was sexy.
I walked out into the kitchen, where both of my parents were making, my favorite, spaghetti.
"Hey, guys. There's something I want to ask you." I interrupted their silence. They both stopped and turned to look at me, bewildered that I was talking to them. Maybe it's been too long since I had a decent conversation with my parents.
"I've been seeing someone and, well, I was wondering if he could eat dinner with us tonight?" My parents turned around with a bewildered look on their faces.
"What do you mean, "seeing someone"?" My father asked mockingly. He whipped around the spoon with spaghetti sauce on it, flicking sauce around the room. My mother ripped it away from my father and asked me, "What happened to Justin?"
"We, uhm, broke up awhile ago." I said awkwardly, I had been avoiding talking about it, "but this new guy is cool. You'll like him, I personally like him better than Justin."
"Well I'm glad you're happy!" My mother said loudly and ran to hug me, "oops, sorry deary, didn't mean to get sauce all over your clothes."
"No problem, I was going to change anyways." As I walk to my bedroom I over hear my mother say to my father, "Honey, what's wrong with Kennedy? She's been really distant lately." The sound of the spoon smacking skin echoed across the house, "honey! Are you even listening?!" My mother yelled. I heard my father laugh a little and apologize as I shut my door behind me.
I texted Niall to come over and he replied with a winky face. Suddenly nervous of what I was wearing, I tried on nunerous outfits, until I settled for a mint colored sun dress. It was elegant, but fun at the same time. I was in the middle of attempting an up-do in my hair when I heard Niall knocking on the door. I quickly ditched the up-do and made a messy bun. By the time I was down the stairs my mother was already showering Niall with compliments, unlike my father, who stood with a glum look on his face.
"Hey! Come in!" I yelled over my mother, trying to ignore her. Niall came in with a big smile on his face , dressed in a tuxedo, and a bouquet of flowers. He was handsome, but very over dressed. He was incredibly adorable.
My mother seated him at the table next to me as my father put dinner on our plates. Once everyone was settled in their seats, the room fell silent. I didn't know what to say, so I continued shoving spaghetti in my mouth.
Finally my father said, "So what are your plans?" Niall swallowed and replied, "I'm going to college in the fall for the medical field." He smiled at my father. But my father didn't seem fazed. He was about to criticize him for his college choice, but my mother interrupted him to ask, "How's your home life?" My mother was always curious about a child's upbringing.
Niall took a bite of food, to buy time, to say, "My father left my mother and I when I was very young. It was a rude awakening for my mother, and she kinda went down hill from there. She was pulled into drugs, and was often not a good mother. I left when I was 15 to live with a friend, it's been smooth sailing since then." Niall took another bite of his food. My father continued eating as if he hadn't heard a word, but my mother sat in awe at Niall's story. She placed a hand on his arm and gave him a warm look and teary eyes. We sat and ate silently for a moment until my father brought back the college subject.
"That's a difficult field. Are you sure you can do it." My father said while squinting at Niall. Was he telling him he wasn't good enough? I stood up for Niall and said, "Dad, what are you saying?" My dad directed his attention to me and said, "And what are your plans?" He said mockingly. He took a big gulp of his beer and slammed his cup back on the table. No one said anything. I looked over at Niall to see how he was and he was just staring at his food, blinking furiously. His eyes were completely black, and it was clear he was trying to hold it back. I turned and started to pick up my eating pace, trying to end dinner quicker. Niall caught on to what I was doing and ate quicker too. We finished dinner early and I stood up to clean off everyone's dish. My mother was confused on what was happened but my father knew better.
"Well. That was horrendous. Hope that doesn't happen again." My father muttered. My mother slapped him with a dish rag and yelled, "Richard! What has gotten into you?"
"I'm sorry," I say to Niall, his eyes were still completely black, "your eyes." I say. He drops his gaze down to his feet, avoiding eye contact with anyone. While my mother finished up on the dishes as my father sat in his chair drinking.
I quickly announced, "Well that was something else! We should have another go sometime!" And rushed Niall out the front door whispering behind him, "I'll call you... I love you." Then shut the door behind him. After Niall got in his car my mother stopped working on the dishes to say, "Richard,l what the hell!"
My father laughed and spun his drink around in his cup. I tried to hold back my anger, but I bursted out on my father saying, "Dad! Why would you mess it all up like that? I really like him, and I was hoping you would too. He was looking forward to meeting you guys." My face was heating up with stress.
"Honey!" You barely know the guy! Did you see how he was dressed? He tries too hard, he's not the right one." My father explained. My mother sighed in the kitchen and nodded in agreement with my father.
"What the hell," I mutter, "I don't care what you think. You don't know him like I do." I stormed off to my room and laid in bed, furious. I heard my dads footsteps come to my door as he said, "I forbid you from seeing him any longer." He walked away, and I screamed into my pillow.
I woke up in the morning, before my parents, and quickly got ready. Today was graduation, and I didn't want my parents to bring up last nights fight and ruin my day. I curled my hair and applied fake lashes, I wanted to be ready for any photo. Feeling pissed at my parents, I applied extra makeup, and dressed a little sexier than usual. Once I was ready I got into my car to drive to Starbucks before heading to the graduation ceremony.
The ceremony was dragging on, I never realized how many people were actually smart enough to graduate. As I sat and waited to be called up I tried not making eye contact or speaking with my parents at all. My father was still furious about last night, and my mother was still not picking sides. The valedictorian speech dragged on as did everything else that occurred, until finally I was called up. I walked up on stage and accepted my diploma and pulled the best fake smile I could. And suddenly, it was over. The rest of ceremony went by quickly after Niall went up because we texted each other to occupy the time. Once the ceremony ended my mother told me, "We are going to hold a graduation party at our place. Go home and be ready in 30 minutes. Your father and I are going to run to the store."
"Okay, I'll catch a ride with a friend." I replied, and we went our separate ways. I quickly caught up to Niall to ask for a ride, "Hey babe! Could I catch a ride home?" He nodded and smiled as he bit his lip. He hugged me around the waist tightly and kissed me on the forehead. He smiled at me seductively and we raced around the car into our seats. The whole ride to my house I couldn't keep my hands off him. Something about not being allowed to be with him, made me want he even more. Through out the ride home I continuously kissed and nibbled his ear and rubbed his thighs, close enough to his crotch to make him tense up. When we stopped outside my place I said, "Come inside with me? We have 30 minutes." I winked at him and he nodded back. We ran out of the car and chased each other playfully through the house and to my room. He shut the door behind us and our lips connected. He pressed me against my bed, resting my head on the pillows, still kissing. His hands were messing in my hair as mine were pulling at his clothes. He sat up to strattle me pulling off his shirt. I felt his stomach where abs showed slightly. I sat up and let him strip off my shirt as well. We went back to kissing, this time more rough. His kisses trailed off my lips down to my jawline, then to my neck, and slowly down my chest to right about my pants zipper. He smirked at me and unzipped my pants and sliding them off quickly. I giggle a bit, and pulled him back for a kiss. He hovered above me, kissing me intensely, and touched all over my body. He sat up again, his hands exploring down to my panties.
"Nope!" I said to him quietly and reached over to his pants. I unbuckled his pants and pulled down his zipper. Letting my hand adventure down his underwe-
"What the hell?!" My father screamed, suddenly pushing my door open. I flinched, startled they were home early, and pulled the sheets over my chest. Niall, still on top of me, stared at my father, frozen. "Get some clothes on and meet your mother and I in the living room. I'm disappointed in you." My father said while shutting the door. Shocked, niall and I stared at each other for a minute. I mouthed the words "oh my god" and stared back at Niall who nodded in agreement. Niall got off me and put his shirt back on. I also got out of bed and got dressed and we fixed our messy hair. We decided to walk out together, facing certain punishment.
In the living room, my parents sat side by side, holding hands. My mother was teary eyed, and my father was stone faced and angry. Niall and I sat next to each other on the couch across from my parents.
My father sighed and said, "I knew this was coming. That's not what makes me angry, what does make me angry is your deliberately disobeyed me," He rubbed his temple, "you're just children. You don't know any better." You don't know any better? I suddenly grew angry, how could he say that? He doesn't understand what Niall and I have been through. He doesn't know any better.
"You're just a child, Kennedy. You aren't old enough to make decisions for yourself. You're only 18." My father said again.
"Deary, you're grounded." My mother said while sobbing loudly.
"What?! You can't ground me! I'm-" I yelled back, but was cut off by the doorbell ringing. My mother stood up the answer the door. At the door was a guest for the graduation party, to which my mother sobbed loudly in their face, "We are having a family crisis! Leave!" And slammed the door in their face.
"Mom, it's not a family crisis. Also, you can't ground me! I'm not a child." I stood up and motioned for Niall to stand as well.
"You sit your ass down!" My father yelled at me aggressively.
"No!" I yelled back, throwing him a nasty look.
"Stop it!" My mother screamed.
"You guys don't own me! I'm sick of it!" I yelled, "and you know what?" I was pissed, "this wasn't the first time Niall and I had sex." I exaggerated on the word "sex" to aggravate my parents. My father stood up and yelled, "WHAT!" And I quickly grabbed Niall's hand, making him run with me out the front door.
"Stop!" My mother screamed again. But I kept running, and not letting Niall's hand go. Niall and I ran outside and got into his car. I drove to prevent Niall from trying to stop me. As we drove off I heard my father yell, "Get out of that car you little rat!" And all I yelled back was, "Fuck you!"
(Authors Note: Hello! Thanks for reading my story, what do you think? There is plenty more events that I am working on, and will be published soon! Tell me you like this story by a comment, vote, or follow. It would mean a lot, thank you!)

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