Christmas Shopping!

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It had been two months since I told Niall about the pregnancy, and I was still stressing over it. I was having troubles excepting the fact that I would be a mother in seven months, but Clover has been helping me relax. Surprisingly, she has been very sensitive and caring, and I know now that it isn't an act. We were actually beginning to become friends... I had friends, that's something I've never really had. My whole childhood I was never good at making friends, but I don't think I tried hard enough. So this friendship was beginning to mean a lot to me! Even with Tinley too, she's been visiting as well, and the three of us are getting along.

I was laying in Nialls bed when I got a text from Clover in Clover, Tinley, and I's group chat saying: "Wanna come Christmas shopping with Tinely and I?" I smiled at the message and remembered Christmas was only in a couple days.

"What's that smile about?" Niall said, waking up from a nap.

"Gosh your sleepy voice is so sexy." I said, it really was, it was perfectly groggy and scratchy and deep.

"And you... your everything is sexy!" Niall failed at a good comeback.

"Even this?" I said and burped loudly. Nialls eyebrows shot up and we both cracked up laughing, then I rolled into him.

"Even that." He chuckled and pulled me in for a kiss, our lips moving ever so gently. I ran my fingers through his hair and let the happiness buzz around my body, embracing it. I didn't want to leave this moment with him, but my phone started recieving text messages like crazy, all from Clover.

"You gonna check that?" Niall pulled away to say. I sighed, I didn't want to. But instead of ignoring them, I lifted my phone to see 54 unread messages, asking me if I wanted to come.

"I'm gonna go Christmas shopping with them." I said tiredly while replying to them.

"One more kiss before you go?" Niall begged with puppy eyes. A half smile tugged across my face and I eagerly fell back onto Niall for a kiss. I felt Niall's tongue slip into my mouth, and at first I accepted it, but then I sat up.

"I would love to continue, but they're waiting for me." I winked and smiled then got up to leave.

"I love you." Niall said before I left.

"I love you too." I replied.


"Do you think Niall would like this?" I asked Clover and Tinley, as I held up a GAA Jersey.

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Clover squealed, she was in a very good mood today. I smiled and held on to the jersey, I hoped he would like it. I walked around the shop in the mall with Tinley and Clover looking for another thing. There were tons of stupid little things, I knew Niall wouldn't like, and I struggled to find more things. So I went simple and got a lot of Sour Patch Kids candy, and called it good, I was on a tight budget anyways. The only money I had was from selling old clothes and extras from what Niall gave me for groceries. Clover frantically ran around the store to find something for everyone, but nothing seemed to fit.

"You know, you don't have to get me anything, Clover." I said, trying to calm her.

"Oh, hush." She said and shh'd me.

"I'm hungry. Can we go down to the food court?" Tinely said while gripping her stomach. Clover and I nodded in agreement, and we all headed down to the food court that was in the center of the mall. It smelt like rubber and meat, not a good combo, but we were hungry. We stood in line behind an extremely obese man at the Subway sandwiches shop. It felt like ages, but eventually we were all able to order and get a meal. And, finally, we sat down at a table and ate. We sat quietly and ate, as the rest of the food court buzzed with voices and energy. Everywhere around us there were people, preppy people, sloppy people, and the I'm-on-a-diet people with only a leaf of lettuce. I couldn't help but stare at all these people, until my staring was interupted, when a tall man with a dark complexion and muscular arms walked up to our table, and sat with us.

"Hello?" Clover said awkwardly.

"Hey!" Said the strange man, "sorry I'm sitting here. As you can see, there are no seats left." He said as he gestures towards the crammed food court. The mall was always packed with people for their holiday shopping, sometimes it irritated me, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

"You're fine." I said, allowing him to sit with us. Hopefully this wouldn't make things awkward.

"Thank you." He said and took a bite out of a hot dog.

"So how was your evenings ladies?" He smiled. His teeth were a gorgeous white and perfectly straight, I had to struggle to not stare.

"It was pretty good. We were just taking a break from Christmas shopping." I said, trying to make conversation. But Clover and Tinely refused to speak.

"Looks like everyone is Christmas shopping," he laughed a little, "me too." He has a gorgeous smile, and his dark skin tone made his teeth appear even brighter.

"So who are you shopping for?" I asked.

"Someone special." He blushed a little. It was obvious he like that person. "And you?" He asked.

"Someone special." I said, mimicking him. We both smiled and ate a little more of our food.

"We are shopping for our friends too." Said Tinely, but everyone just stopped and looked at her awkwardly, she just took too long to say anything.

"Right. So, sorry, what's your name?" Clover cut Tinely out.

"Oh yes. My name is Oliver. And what about you lovely ladies?" We all said our names in unison then laughed, and that wasn't even planned.

"I'm Kennedy." I said, then Clover and Tinely introduced themselves as well.

"Well you girls seem amazing. Here," He said and pulled a pen from his bag to write on a napkin. He wrote his phone number on the napkin and sat it in the middle of the table, "Let's hang out sometime." He said and winked at me. He got up and through his empty plate in the trash and left, saying goodbye.

Clover, Tinely, and I sat for a moment and slowly processed what just happened.

"So, that hot stranger just sat and ate lunch with us, and gave us his number." Tinley mumbled.

"Yep." Clover said. I added Oliver's phone number to my phone and texted him to see if it was really him.

Me: Is this Oliver?

Oliver: You betcha'!

I smiled and leaned back in my chair. I don't know who this man is, but he seemed pretty cool.


Hey, my apologies for the lack of updates lately. I have been buried under school work and sports. And to be completely honest, I had lost interest in this story for awhile, but I am working on more chapters now, so don't worry!

~Love, BumbleBacon

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