The Man Downstairs

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I pulled my jacket on and slid on some comfy flats, then walked along with Niall all the way outside. It was chilly, and the wind bit at my finger tips, but I was able to shove them in my pockets until we reached the car.

It was a quiet drive, and for the most part, I was used to it. But I didn't know for sure if this was just another one of the boys traps. They never were a trust worthy bunch. And today, I just wanted to talk to Niall, to reassure myself that everything was fine. But instead, we were silent.

The drive was short. We arrived in front of a strangers house. It was still light outside, but the party raging in that house blasted nonetheless. Hesitantly, I trotted after Niall. He walked swiftly and without a sound. It worries me slightly, because I had seen what happens when they need to feed. Niall has never done it in front of me, and claims that I make the urge go away. But this could be it, he seemed so off.

We opened the front door, and a gust of stench blew into our faces. And it almost seemed like the house sighed as if it couldn't breathe.

"Hey, Niall!" Liam shouted and jumped. He was only a few feet away, and already swarmed with people. He approaches us, and I unsteadily grab Nialls hand.

"Where is the guy?" Niall says bluntly. It was the first time he spoke in a while. Liam urged us to follow him through the sea of endless people. The floor was sticky, and my flats continuously got caught in the semi-dry beer on the floor. It was uncomfortable being here, but I held myself together.

We walked down a stair case and through a door, which led us to a larger, office room. It was trashed, and a few girls pushed past us as we entered. A guy with a beer gut and greasy blonde hair sat on a bar stool. Liam shut the door behind us, and pointed to where the man, and the rest of the boys were. They were talking silently, then turned to face us.

"You're a demon too?" the man seemed to growl at me, like I was pathetic.

"No." Niall answered for me.

"Good, because I don't know much about women." He laughed, and a cough chocked out of him. It was nasty.

"Get to the point." Louis spoke suddenly, I had almost forgot his presence entirely. The man recovered from his smokers cough, and returned to his quiet talking. I struggled to hear him, but from the boys' faces, it was clear they disbelieved the man.

"You're talking complete shit sir." Harry glared at the man, his patience withering.

"No, I'm serious. If you just go back to where it started you can undo it. It's helped my past clients before." The man persisted, but his groggy voice made him sound drunk.

"We'll give it a shot." Niall interrupted before Harry could pick on the man any further.

"Sounds like a bunch of cow shit to me." Louis quickly jabs at the man, and his eyes darkened. I gasped, and covered my mouth. It had been so long since I've been exposed to this. I hadn't realized how well Niall concealed me from this madness for awhile. Despite Louis kidnapping of me, I had forgotten the viscousness of these boys.

"Please!" The man cries out. He had fallen off his barstool, and hit the back of his head on the floor pretty hard.

"Don't waste your money on him." Zayn said quietly, but it didn't hold back the other three of them.

I was about to reach out and help the poor man until Niall grabbed my arm and tugged me with him back upstairs.

"Niall! They could kill that man!" I tried to resist him and pull him back towards the man, but he just shook his head.

"They were going to anyways darling. We might as well not see it." Niall seems annoyed, and disappointed.

Niall walked me back to the car, where we both sat, and then Niall finally spoke. "I'm going too try what this man said to do. But, I don't know what will happen to me if it does work, so please, let me do this alone."

"No! Something could happen to you! What if he knows this will hurt you? Babe, I can't lose you. We can't lose you." I rubbed my stomach, where our baby lays. We had no idea what that gross man downstairs could do. Niall started the engine then began driving back towards our hotel. I held back the want to bombard him with questions to restrain him from this mission. But he was determined.

We pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and he notioned for me to get out.

"Niall. No."

"Please. If I hurt you, I won't be able to forgive myself. This is for your safety, Kennedy. I love you." Niall leans over to me and kisses my cheek lightly, then reaches to open my door. Slowly, I accept it. I step out of the car, and walk back to our suite. I shivered from the cold and the fear that he would somehow, someway, get hurt. I hugged my belly once more then went to the room.

Niall drove away, I could see the car getting smaller and smaller from the balcony view. He hasn't told me where he was going. And that scared me even more.

I walked over to the counter where a grocery bag sat. Inside the bag there was a small cupcake with a candle on it. I carried it over to the table and lit it.

"Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday dear me. Happy birthday to me..." I blew out the candles, and the realization of being alone in a strange place on my birthday sunk in. This was the first birthday I spent without Jenny or my parents.

I missed them so much.

How could everything have gone wrong in so little time. I tried not to blame Niall, and instead blamed myself. I glared at my pregnant stomach and tears burned through my eyes.

"How old are you?" I kept singing, "how old are you?"

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