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My heart was still pounding after the impact. That was the only good sign.

For a moment, I refused to open my eyes, I swore to myself that this was only a dream. Oh, how I wish it was.

It was dead silent, besides my racing heart and shaky breaths. I could feel Niall's arm still slung around me, and it felt heavy, unnatural even.

I opened my eyes at last to see the damage. Niall's body lies over my lap, and he doesn't seem to be breathing. The drivers side of our car had been smashed in, forcing the metal exterior in, and crushing Nialls legs. Blood is spattered everywhere. Across his entire body, and mine, though I had no marks to be seen. I can feel a panic attack rushing through every inch of my veins.

"Niall, wake up." I shake his back roughly, but he doesn't reply. I shake him harder this time, still nothing.

"No. Niall please wake up, don't leave me. I can't loose you! I love you." I kiss the back of his head, a part of me realizing that he will never wake up. Tears break free from my eyes like a cracked dam. The drops land in his red stained blonde hair as I struggle to push his limp body off of me. Reaching for the door handle, I'm able to push the door open just enough to fit through. I'm gasping for air. Every fiber of my being is telling me to give up.

Leaning out the door, I can reach the asphalt, and scrape my hands as I drag myself out. I pull Niall along with me, and scream uncontrollably. Laying him down on his back on the street, I can finally see his face. It's streaked in his blood and cold.

"I love you." I kept repeating and squeezed his hands. I cried... even though there was no glass on me, there was glass in my heart. Feeling as if I had been stabbed, I realized Niall was gone. Forever.

Quickly standing up, I scream for help. I don't know where I am and I can't see anyone other than Nialls body.

Running helplessly, I search through the surrounding crashed cars. But all I saw was more and more emptiness. But soon, my legs give out beneath me, and I hit the street once more, letting my head hit first.


A raging headache pounds violently in my head.

"Ahhh!" I scream with my eyes shut and sit up quickly, feeling the rush. I open my eyes to the sound of footsteps on wood flooring.

I'm in my room.

Jenny opens my bedroom door, with a worried look across her face. "Are you okay? You must of had a outrageous nightmare, huh?"

"Where's Niall?" I am still shaking, and at the moment, Jenny's presence doesn't faze me. I had seen her in my dreams many times. I was clearly unconscious. But Jenny still persists that this wasn't the dream I thought I was having.

"You were having a nightmare about Niall?" Jenny widened her eyes. I began crying uncontrollably again. A poster of One Direction was plastered against my wall, with a lipstick drawn heart around Niall's face. That wasn't always there. So it hit me, hit me hard.

What I thought was reality, wasn't.

This was reality.

Jenny never died, I never met Niall, we never fell in love, we never had sex, we never had a baby...

He never taught me how to love.

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