A Date With Niall

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During the car ride we sat in silence which I was fine with, and held his hand. We sat in the car for a few hours not talking until I decided to break the silence, "Where are we going? We are almost to the mountains now, Niall. Do you know where you're going?"
Niall smiled cheekily, "Of course, I do. You'll see when we get there, I've done it many times." It was reassuring to hear he had done, whatever it was, before. Maybe it wasn't as bad as I making it in my mind, maybe it was just a dinner in the mountains.
After two more ours of us in the car, going up the winding path of the mountains, and reaching a small village, we finally stopped. It was pretty up here, the snow was falling lightly, casting a heavenly glow to the village. It was really quiet, despite the buzzing of people talking at a market, it was very peaceful. Niall and I got out of the car and he quickly went to grab my hand, it was chilly, but his hands were warming.
"Now, don't back out of this. Please." Niall said, gripping my hand tighter. I stopped walking and asked why. "Com'on." Niall pulled me with him through the small village and over to the edge of the land, where a roaring waterfall poured down 1,000's of feet. Niall noticing me feeling a little dizzy from the heigh; and steadied me. Niall leaned over to my ear and whispered, "Okay, so maybe this date isn't so... usual," and nudged me over to the railing, the only thing preventing us from tumbling into the waterfall.
"Niall!" I panicked, scared he would shove me over.
"Relax." Niall flashed his gorgeous smile down at me, his nose slightly pink from the cooling weather. "Hey! Danny!" A man with short black hair and devastating white skin turned to face us, he must be Danny.
"Yes?" He smiled as he noticed Niall, and Niall smiling back, "nice to see you back up here!" Danny walked up to us and shook Niall's hand in an oddly professional way, then proceeded to shake mine. "You guy's ready?"
"Ready for what?" I blurt out.
"Ohh, was this supposed to be a surprise?" Danny questioned.
"Well," Niall sighed, "it was."
"What!" I gasped as Danny turned around and opened a large chest filled with coiled up cords and belts. "Niall, are we-?"
"Yep, bungee jumping over this waterfall!" Niall exclaimed joyfully. But I glared back at him, I was horrified at the idea of throwing ourselves off the edge and to near and certain death. "Relaaxx." Niall hugged me tightly before turning me to Danny, who instructed me on how to properly but on all the safety equipment. Once I was finished, Niall quickly got ready and Danny hooked Niall and I together by the stomachs. After Danny has prepared us for our disastrous leap, Danny nudged us closer to the edge. "Alright on three."
"No, Niall I'm not ready!" I panicked, trying desperately to move us away from the edge.
"Your heart rate is speeding up." Niall responded.
"No shit Sherlock. We are about to jump off a cliff!" I screamed, adrenaline starting to pump through my veins.
"Two." Danny said in a hushed voice.
"This is going to be quite the experience." Niall laughed softly.
"No!" I cried out, preparing to move away from the edge of the cliff. But before I could move Danny called out, "ONE!" and shoved Niall and I off the edge. I closed my eyes and lost my breath for a moment as I could feel the mist of the waterfall sticking to me and the rush of air whip my hair. Niall wrapped his arms and legs around me protectively, giving me enough strength to open my eyes. We were upside down, our faces facing the water below, and getting closer. It felt as if it was going in slow motion, possibly from the fear surging through me. Niall shouted over the sound of the waterfall near us, "I love you!" His cheeks were pink from the cold and his hair flew viciously around his head. And it was beautiful. He was beautiful. He pulled his arm off of my back and struggled to bring his hand up to my face, fighting the wind. He smiled at me and embraced me gently, kissing me. When our lips parted, I noticed how terrifyingly close we were to the water below us and we both panicked. The cord to fling us back up slammed on our backs as we hit our lowest point, smashing us together. We held tighter on to each other, and I was able to feel his heart beat. It was beating fast, faster than ever. I placed my hand on his chest and tried to focus on him as we flew back up in the air.
The ride back up the cliff was a lot faster than going down, mainly because I was focused on the sound of his heart. I never thought the sound of a heartbeat could be so precious. It made me feel alive and connected to him. We dangled at the end of the bungee jump cord, waiting to be pulled back up, silently. Once we were back on our feet Danny gave Niall a slap on the back and dropped something into Niall's hands. I tried to catch what it was, but I missed it. We stripped off our bungee jump gear and returned them to Danny. Danny smiled and wished us happiness then waved us along. It was strange, did he see us as a couple? Were Niall and I a couple? I guess we had never defined ourselves, had we. Maybe tonight I could bring up what we were to Niall.
"Where do we go now?" I asked Niall.
"Just follow me." Niall said sexily. I smiled at him and let him lead me to his destination. We walked through the village, passing many small cabins, until we stopped at one. The number on the door read: 1245, The cabin looked like the rest except for a blue mailbox with "Danny" painted across it.
"Is this Danny's cabin?" I asked.
"Yep," Niall looked at me, "Danny was kind enough to let us spend the night at his cabin tonight!"
"Oh, but I should really tell my parents where I will be." I said, mostly to myself.
"Don't worry about it, you can just tell them you needed to go to a friends to get a break from everything, and that you're feeling much better now." Niall smiled, proud of his advice. I smiled back and we entered the cabin. It wasn't as warm as I figured it would be, it wasn't like the movies. Two the right of there was a living room with a beautiful stone fireplace, surrounded by two little ugly chairs. Ahead of the door was a very small kitchen, with old appliances that didn't look clean. And the door to the bathroom and bedroom to the left. Everything looked very cramped, but it had an old-timey character to it. Niall walked over to the fridge first, and sighed as it was only full of frozen meals. He looked into the cabinet and grabbed a packet of Roman Noodles. He waved it at me and said, "looks like dinner to me!"
"Sounds good to me!" I replied, then walked over to the fireplace and started up a fire. While Niall cooked I pulled blankets and cushions of the chairs and formed a comfy seating area on the floor in front of the fireplace. Niall walked over to me with two bowls of hot Roman Noodles, and snuggled up with me under a blanket. We ate our noodles quietly, the only sounds was the cracking and popping of the burning wood in the fire place, and slurps from our noodles. Niall finished first, and he was obviously still hungry.
"Here, have the rest of mine, I'm not very hungry." I offered him my noodles.
"Thanks!" Niall took it without protest and quickly finished it off. I rested my head on Niall's shoulders, and felt his arm wrap around me side. We sat with our sides pressed together, and suddenly I remembered what he was. I was sitting next to someone who has killed people numerous times, and I wasn't afraid. "What are you thinking?" Niall said, breaking the silence. I wasn't sure if I should be honest, but I decided to be anyways.
"How many people have you killed?" I whispered.
"I don't like to think about it." Niall whispered back, he sounded ashamed. We sat silently for a few more minutes until he said again, "I would never hurt you." His eyes filled with tears and I noticed himself tense up.
"What's wrong?" I asked. Niall shook his head and looked away from me then to the fire, trying to blink away the tears. I placed my hand on his cheek to turn his face to mine and looked into his eyes deeply. A faint smile grew upon his lips, and it made me happy to know I was capable of lifting his spirits. He sniffled and blinked away his tears, and held me tighter.
"You have made me realize many things. Before I met you, I was senseless and destructive, I never saw the damage I made. I hurt so many people without remorse, but now it is all coming back to me. And I am so grateful to you for opening my eyes, you bring me to my senses." Niall bit his lip, holding back his emotions, "And on top of it all, you made me love again. I can't believe I had lost such a beautiful part of life." Niall hugged me tightly and relaxed. But I wasn't feeling as grateful as him. I knew I should be happy I was able to save this man from destruction, but the only thing racing through my mind was Jenny. Her name was being screamed into my mind and the guilt was eating me apart. I couldn't bring myself to say anything to Niall, I knew I shouldn't blame him for this, but if I wasn't with him I could have done something. Jenny was home, a place that was supposedly safe, and as a big sister it was my duty to protect her. Niall sensing my mood, kissed me on the forehead, and after no response he said, "have I said something wrong?"
"No," I finally say, "it's me. I can't escape the guilt of Jenny's death." A tear breaks away from my grip, allowing more to flow down my cheeks. I tried desperately to hold them back, but it was hopeless. "I don't want to feel this way anymore." My forehead hurt from the strain and I clenched my fists, "I want to be like you." I look into Niall's eyes, begging him. He sat there with nothing to say, shocked at my sudden outburst.
"Are you sure?" was all Niall could say, "you don't want to be like me."
"But I do!" I said a little too loud.
"Please, Kennedy. Trust me on this you don't want this." Niall tried to persuade me, but it only made me want it more. I cried louder and pressed my head onto his chest, holding on to him tightly. Niall nodded and rubbed my back and ran his fingers through my hair, calming me. I looked up at Niall again and smiled for him.
"Thank you," I whispered, then hugged him tightly. Still holding on, Niall layed down on his back, pulling me with him. I laid on top of him, resting my head on his chest. We looked into the fireplace and let the heat dry our tears. After awhile I lifted my head to look at Niall, "I love you." I said. Niall looked shocked, and looked me back into my eyes.
"I love you too." Niall said. We leaned in to kissed each other at the same time, our lips meeting perfectly. I brought my arms up the mess with his hair as his arms went lower on my back. When we broke away from the kiss I noticed my pink lipstick was on his lips and it I laughed a little.
"What?" Niall said curiously.
"A little bit of my lipstick is on your lips."
"Ha, well a little isn't enough! I like my lips bold." And he pressed our lips together again. I smiled through the kiss, my mood lifting. I went back to twisting his blonde-ish brown hair in my fingers, and I felt the chills run through him. His hands slid down to my bum and he gripped it gently, making me smile through the kissing again. He slid me up a bit and moved his lips to my neck, sucking in it. I held back a moan.
"Let this be my last moment of emotion." I said in a whisper, and Niall gripped me harder. Turning me on, I could feel the energy between us. He chuckled sexily as he moved his hands to the buttons of my jeans and unbuttoning them quickly. I slid out of my jeans, sitting on top of him now, and pulled off my shirt. I slid off Nialls shirt as well and threw our clothes behind us. Our lips connected again and I slid down to lay directly on top of him. Nialls hand fumbled to unbutton his jeans, but once he did I helped to slide them off. I remembered how Justin was always too pushy for sex, I never wanted it from him. I never did love him, even after five years. He was more of a best friend, and I didn't realize it until now. I don't know where Justin is now, but I am okay with that. I didn't want him anywhere near me. All I want is to be here now, with Niall and let go with him. And it's happening. I truly love Niall Horan, I really do.

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