Meeting Up With Old Friends

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I woke up the next morning from the sunlight shining into my eyes, and rolled over to see Niall. We were still spooning from after last nights rendezvous, and I smiled remembering it. I turned to face him and kissed him gently on the lips the wake him. 

"Good morning beautiful." Niall said.

"Good morning handsome." I replied. We both smiled and pressed our lips together again, then resting our foreheads together. We were still sleepy and started dozing off together until we heard his door being opened roughly. Niall shot up and looked over to the door, where Clover stood, her chest heaving with anger. I gasped and scrambled to grab Niall's sheets to cover my bare body.

"Why the hell are you still here?" Clover asked, staring daggers at me. 

"What?" I was confused.

"You took off the other day, why are you back?" Clover was shouting, "You're ruining things, just leave and never come back you little-"

"Hey! Clover, you need to stop," Niall shouted over her, "I don't care what you and the boys have to say about Kennedy, but she is mine. And I love her, you guys need to back off. She isn't a threat to us!" 

"You think that now. Just wait." Clover huffed and turned to leave the room, giving up the fight. Niall got up out of the bed, still butt naked, and shut the door after her. I sat up and gave Niall a confused look, hoping he would explain who Clover was. But he just shook his head and started to put some clothes on. I got out of the bed and put yesterdays clothes back on and sat patiently on Niall's bed unsure of what I should be doing. 

"Do you want to do anything today?" I asked. Niall opened a cabinet near a small coffee maker and sighed when he saw he was out of coffee filters. 

"Sure, want to go downtown and get some coffee?" He finally said.

"Yeah!" I said trying to sound enthusiastic, I hated that Clover had to ruin the mood. We finished getting dressed and put on our shoes, then walked out to the car to drive to downtown LA. Once we arrived I was quick to grab Niall's hand as we walked away from the car. I could feel his tension go down as I held his hand, and I held back the urge to ask about Clover, he clearly didn't want to talk about it. We walked over to a coffee shop and ordered a couple drinks, and stood silently in the large line. When our drinks finally came we left the shop to walk around some more. I wished I had gone back to my dorm to change first, because the temperature was rising, and my leggings and jacket were getting to be too warm. I ignored my stress over the heat, and focused back on Niall, who seemed to be thinking quite hard. 

"Niall, babe, please relax. Whatever it was that Clover was talking about, it will be alright. We'll be alright." I begged him. He sighed and I could feel himself relax a little more.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess I'm just worried." Niall said, he sounded stressed out. 

"Don't be." I said cheerfully and planted a kiss on his cheek. I leaned in closer to him as we walked down the boardwalk. The sound of the ocean water lapping over the coastline was relaxing, and I hoped it was doing the same for Niall. We walked silently for awhile as I was trying not to irritate Niall. Near the busier part of the boardwalk I noticed the amount of homeless people build up. They had built communities between the shops, in the alleys, and I felt bad that I didn't have any money on me for them. One of them seemed quite young and had a beard growing, he looked severly thin and had red scabs all over the back of his hands, elbow crease, and between his toes. They looked irritated and infected, they were heroin scars. He noticed me staring at him and he looked back at me, it scared me a little. He had messy brown hair and he looked slightly familiar. The man continued to stare at me, and I noticed him getting up, I got scared and nudged Niall to walk quicker. 

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