Under The Lamppost On Sixth Street

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I woke up to my shoulders being shaken.

"Kennedy!" Niall whispered loudly.

"Niall?" I said, trying to blink away the grogginess.

"Yes, wake up." he reached over and turned on the lamp on the bed side table. The clock read 5am.

"What the hell is going on?" I rubbed my eyes. He was still dressed from when he left yesterday. Besides a blood stain on his finger tip.

"I think it worked." He laughed as he said it, relief was written all over his face.

"How do you know?"

"I don't feel so... Empty anymore. But now I'm thinking, you always made me feel not-so-empty. So, I don't understand. All I know is that I feel better."

"Well that's great." I sat up better to hug him. He was warmer, and radiated excitement. He crawled into bed next to me and fell asleep quickly. He must of been exhausted.

We stayed in this wonderful bed until 2 in the afternoon. It was sweet, and we just lied there, intertwined, with old cartoons playing on the tv. When we finally got up, Niall cooked breakfast. Some delicious omelettes! After we ate, we returned to our bubble bath, and refused to get out until the water turned cold. With our wrinkly fingers, Niall helped me out of the tub again.

"To make up for the lost time yesterday, I propose we go out to eat. In like 2 hours or so, so at 6?. " Niall proposed, while we wrapped ourselves in the soft towels from the cabinet.

"That sounds amazing. I'll get ready." I smiled at him. I appreciated that he was making up for leaving me on such a special day. This was going to be fun!

Doing my hair and makeup didn't take as long as I thought I would take. I curled soft curls in my hair, did a small Smokey eye, and applied some lipstick. It wasn't an over-the-top look, it felt just right. I found one dress that still fit me, and tugged it over my belly. It was always form fitting, but now I think it looked even better than before.

"You ready?" Niall walked into the bathroom, looking as handsome as ever, and took my hand as we made our way down to the car.


The restaurant was gorgeous. Similar to the one we went to a long time ago, but maybe just a little better. The waitress seated us at a table for two, in the middle of the other surrounding two seated tables. The chairs were aggressively comfortable. A chandelier hung above our table, which had a white table cloth draped over it. And two menus laid neatly across from each other. Could this be anymore stunning?

"Wow." I felt goosebumps race up my back where Niall placed his hand.

"You like?" Niall smiles cheekily, and pulled out a chair for me.

"This place is amazing! I can't thank you enough." I grinned from ear to ear. I looked through the menu and was bewildered by all the food. This place had it all! Yet... I still ordered spaghetti, like I have done at every restaurant throughout the course of my life.

"You're ordering spaghetti?" Niall mimicked me as I ordered it.

"Yes. I must inspect every restaurants spaghetti." I smiled at him then let him order his meal. For awhile, we were silent, and it was almost awkward. I felt the need to constantly thank him, this restaurant must be overwhelmingly expensive. Yet, I didn't speak until our food arrived.

"Here you go miss, your spaghetti, and here you go sir." The waitress walked away without another word, and left us to our heaping piles of heaven.

"Ladies first." Niall pointed to what looked to be the most expensive spaghetti in all time. So I took a bite, knowing that even if the food was disgusting that I'd still eat it all and pretend it was delicious. And it was, indeed, delicious.

"Haha, it must be good." Niall noticed.

"You betcha." I laughed slightly, with my mouthful, because I'm a lady. Niall dug into his meal as well, and before I knew it, we were both done. I leaned back in my fancy chair and exhaled, rubbing my belly in agreement with our child that it was a good feast.

"Are you happy?" Niall asked.

"Niall. I could never be happier. And it's not about this glorious dinner. It's because I have you in my life, and our soon to be daughter."

"I love you." Niall whispered sweetly.

"I love you too." I whispered back.


Hand in hand, we walked down the street, and by this time it was already dark. The streetlights had turn on, and it had just finished raining, so the cobblestone sidewalks were slightly wet. With Nialls arm wrapped around my side, we walked together towards our car.

"I can't stop thinking about you." Niall said, breaking the silence.

"In a good way? Or bad way?"

"Definitely a good way. A beautiful way, really. I can't get the fact that you're mine and healthy under control. It excites me and makes my heart flutter uncontrollably when I see you." He said blushing.

"I can't put into words how much this means to me. How much you mean to me. I promise myself to you." I said.

"Seal that with a kiss." Niall said, and stopped me, right below a street lamp.

"Deal." I turned to face him and pressed my lips against his. Irresistibly, I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. The air was chilly, but I felt warm in his hold.

"Kennedy." Niall smiled as he pulled away.

"Yes?" A sickly feeling crept into my stomach.

"I truly do mean it when I say I love you. I love you with every inch of my being. Every fiber of my heart. And I want to spend my one and only life with you." Niall teared up a bit, and bit his lip. He let go of me and stepped back.

"Are you okay?" The baby kicked. Niall reached into his pocket and slid down to one knee. Soaking his jeans, and smiled up at me, tears on the brink of raining down.

"Will you marry me?"

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