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Breathing in the cold air, I paced in front of the car, wondering when Niall would ever come outside. It had been two hours since I walked out, and I was begining to worry that Niall would never come out to look for me. But right as I was about to go back into the car, the entrance doors to the hotel swung open and Niall walked out.

"Niall." I say quietly.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were still here." Niall looked down at his shoes.

"Look, I'm sorry I hit her. But the bitch was asking for it." I shoved my hands into my pockets and looked for a reaction on Niall's face.

"Kennedy. I thought you were different. I thought you were a sweet girl, but lately you've been off... and now you went and hit the mother of my child?"

"I said I was sorry." I try to say it softly.

"Why would you keep hitting her? She said you started attacking her for no reason after I left, why Kennedy?" Niall pleaded to me, acting as if I had turned into a super villain that's reign of terror was unstoppable. But, I wasn't a super villain, I wasn't reigning my terror on her... yet.

"Oh, I hit her for a good reason alright. She is lying to you babe." I step closer to him, but he backs away and gives me a scared look.

"No, she wouldn't lie to me." Niall shakes his head and looks back down at his feet. He mumbled as if he wasn't sure who to believe. How could he be so ignorant as  to believe a woman he hasn't seen in years (let alone the fact that she hid his own child from him)?

"Fine. If you want to believe her, so be it! I tried Niall." I thrust my hands out of my pockets in a fit of temper and walk with a stiff back down the side walk.  There was a nearby diner that I thought would be a cool place to calm down. Maybe some hot coffee would help me fizzle off of this stirred madness. But at the time being, I couldn't keep it down. It felt as if all my muscles were stiff and tensed up. And my head was aching from the stress and rush of emotions. Not to mention the bitter twists my stomach made when I got to be too overwhelmed.

Dana's voice rang in my ears, even though I tried to block her out for a moment. But yet her words persisted, first faint, but getting clearer with every step. I reached the handle of the tiny diners door and gripped the cold metal handle, but stopped.

"Babe, it's fine! I know I'm later than I said we would be, but we'll be back soon. I promise!" Dana's voice came crystal clear, and lead around the exterior of the tiny diner. Quietly, I made my way across the face of the building and looked around the corner to see my inquires fulfilled. Dana stood there, in a winter coat that hung down to her knees, and the collar being an animal fur. Even though she stood facing away from me, I still took safety measures and hid behind the nearby trash cans.

"No. Listen to me!" She whined and kicked some snow away from her. "William will be safely home some time tomorrow or the day after. No, we aren't outside Jacob." Dana paced over a little and revealed the little William in a matching coat sitting in the snow. His tiny nose was as red as a rose, and his face was pale from the cold. I struggled to hold back the urge to run over to him and rescue him from the megabitch Dana, but I couldn't risk it.

"I know. I know. But this will only go on for a little while longer. William and I are this close to getting the child support!" Dana stopped to turn towards William who began to shiver immensely. "Yes, I'm sure he believes me. I mean, he has the blonde hair like him. Luckily he looks like me, otherwise this would be a no-go."

"Mommy, can we go inside and get some hot cocoa?" William begged, but Dana shook her head and continued to listen to the person on the other side of the call. 

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