Coming Home

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"Hey, mom?"

"Hello darling. I'm so sorry what happened. Your father hasn't been the same since we lost Jennifer."

"It's okay. Actually, I called to tell you something..."

"Yes? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah! Everything is great." I could feel my heart beat faster. Niall was still asleep, and I sat at the small chair in the corner of our hotel room.

"I want to visit you, to tell you the news." I said, and fumbled with the dazzling ring on my finger.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" Worry was evident in her voice.

"Yeah, I promise. There's just something that is a big thing in my life, and I want to share with you. It's something we can plan together, and just something that I really want you to be apart of. I'm tired of the fighting mom. I love you guys so much, and I can't loose you guys too." My throat chocked up when I tried to say more.

"Oh my goodness, Kennedy. We love you too. I want the fighting to end too, and I've been working on your father. He has been hell. Please come back deary." She started crying, which made me cry too. My shoulders shook, and I covered my mouth to soften the sobs.

"I love you. I'll see you today?" I let out a cracked voice.

"Please, I'll be home all day. I love you too." Mom was barely understandable at this point. I hung up first, it was hard to do, but I couldn't bare to hear her cry anymore.

"What's going on?" Niall looked over at me and rubbed his eyes.

"I was just on the phone with my mom. I want to visit her today." I continued to mess with my ring. It glimmered in the light that shown in from the window.

"Yeah! I'll get ready and we can go soon." Niall sat up, but it was clear that he ached to lay back down. There was no way he was excited to see my father. But nevertheless, I joined him in the shower, and freshened up my face afterwards.

I stared at myself in the mirror, and subconsciously mocked myself. But Niall snapped me out of it when he planted a kiss on my neck.

"What's this about?" I smiled and turned to face him.

"I just love touching you." Niall spoke softly.

"Is that so?" I bit his lip gently then let our lips collide.

"Yes." Niall said, then wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back harder. Our lips parted and hands adventured. I pressed my chest against his, trying not to push the baby onto him. He felt my bum and started walking me towards the bed. Placing me down gently and kissing me rougher.

"Let's make this quick, otherwise mom will think we aren't gonna come."

"I'm down." Niall said excitedly, and pulled down his jeans, as did I.


Finally on the road, with Niall driving, I looked at my phone again. A few text messages were left by my mother.

"My mom left me text messages freaking out that I was taking too long to get there." I laughed.

"Tell her we'll be there soon." Niall smiled and looked out onto the road. It was foggy out and it was starting to snow. Ice had covered some parts of the road, so we were driving slower than usual.

"We'll be there soon. Sorry the roads are iced over, we are taking our time." I texted her back, then rested my head on the head rest.

"How's your dad?" Niall said.

"Apparently, he's been hell. But he's still my dad, so we have to be good to him. I'm mostly doing this for my mom. I want her to be apart of our lives. I can't loose them."

"I understand, babe." Niall said.

"Okay, I know we need to slow down, but this is too slow. Hurry up, I want to see my mother." I snapped, but suddenly realized how harsh it came out.

"I'm sorry." I apologized quickly.

"No it's okay, the guy behind us is on our ass anyways." Niall shook his head.

"Seriously, I take it back. The guy behind us can chill. We need to go slow on this road, I don't know why I just had a mood swing." The roads were barely visible because of the fog, and Niall continued to make the car go faster.

"I don't feel comfortable going this fast." I begged.

"It won't stop." Niall started to panic.

"What do you mean?" My heart raced. Nialls foot pressed down on the break, but the car wasn't slowing down. It had done this on a few occasions before, but only for a second or two.

"Niall." I grabbed my seat belt and started crying.

"It's okay! Don't cry, it'll work in a second. We will slow down." Niall said trying to calm me down. A semi-truck raced past us on the other lane, until it disappeared into the fog. We were slowing down, but starting to slide. In attempt the kept the car in a straight line, caused us to slide to the left.

"Niall!" The tears burned through my eyes. "I'm scared!"

"I'm doing everything I can!" Nialls hands shook violently, and he floored the break repeatedly.

"Turn! Get us off the ice!" I screamed, and another semi-truck raced towards us. It swerved around us into the lane we used to be in, causing it to roll off the road into the ditch. It shook the ground slightly, and I reached for Nialls arm. Clinging to it, I saw numerous cars crashed into each other ahead of us come into view.

Niall yelled at the top of his lungs and slammed the break one more time, and it worked, causing us to begin sliding on the ice. The car spun to its side, where the drivers seat was closest to the stopped traffic ahead of us.

The car shook like a hurricane and Niall let go of the wheel to grab me, sheltering my head and stomach. I gripped his arms tighter than I thought I could ever hold before.

But it wasn't enough. He slipped from my finger tips when the glass shattered into the car as it finally ended.

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