Visiting Old Places

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I kept driving, and reluctantly, it was calming me. I was able to relax and stop crying, and the fog in my mind cleared a little. I looked at the clock on the radio and realized I had been driving for a few hours. Wow, has my mind really been that occupied? I smiled a little, and kept driving, until I noticed just how far I had driven. I saw the familiar landscape of the hills and rockier areas. I decided to drive up the winding paths, why was this so familiar? I kept driving and drivng until I saw the roofs of small cabin looking houses, and suddenly it hit me, this is where Niall and I went out for our first date. I pulled into the small village and parked, it looked different from when we were here last, all the snow was gone. I walked through the village and saw many of the same people in the markets, and it cheered me up a bit. I walked over to the cliff edge, where the waterfall roared, and saw someone fly down on the bungee jump cord. I smiled at the memories and remembered how Niall and I spent the night in Danny's cabin.

"Oh my! Your Niall's girl right?" I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I turned around to see, you guessed it, Danny jogging over to me in a tank-top and shorts.

"Hi, Danny." I said to him.

"You know, I don't think I ever got your name." He laughed a bit.

"It's Kennedy." I said, and laughed a bit with him.

"Well, nice to see you again Kennedy," he smiled brightly, "and where's Niall?"

"Ah," I said in a hushed voice, "things are a little complicated right now."

"Oh," he said, "mind talking it out?" I looked at him strangely. I barely knew this man. He was the man who pushed Niall and I off this cliff. But I sighed and gave in, I mean, who else was there to vent to?

"I guess." I gave in, I didn't really want to.

"You don't seem very enthusiastic." Danny said while guestering for me to follow him out to a blanket placed on the grass, away from all the village people.

"It's still an open wound." I said as we sat down on the blanket.

"Well, lets pinch out that puss." Danny said.

"Ew." Was all I replied, that was pretty gross.

"Haha, sorry. That might just be why I'm single." He looked down on himself, and his forehead creasing in thought.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up," I tried to cheer him up, "okay, I'll talk. I caught Niall cheating on me earlier today with my only friend." I looked over to where the sun was setting, it was getting late.

"That's not like Niall." Danny said after awhile. I agreed silently, but maybe that was because I believed he was a good guy. I was wrong. "Did Niall explain himself?" My cheeks reddened with shame for not giving him the chance to explain.

"Not really. Well, I didn't give him a chance." I confessed. Danny nodded and propped his arms up behind him to hold him up.

"A couple years ago, I had a girlfriend named Hailey, and I had cheated on her. She gave me the opportunity to explain myself, and after I did, I realized how much of a mistake cheating on her was. Hailey was always there for me, and accepted me, and I just threw it all away. I slipped up, and to this day, I deeply regret it," He blinked a lot and took a deep breath, "Hailey never did forgive me. I learned my lesson the hard way, I know how horrible that guilt feels, it's still eating me apart."

"I'm so sorry." I said, he truly looked hurt by it still.

"So please, let Niall explain, I don't want my friend to go through what I did. And maybe it's not as bad as you think, maybe she kissed him. You'll never know if you don't give him a chance." Danny said seriously. Which made me think, he's right, maybe I was too harsh. After all it was just a kiss, they weren't sleeping together.

"So what are you gonna do?" Danny asked. I sighed and relaxed myself, I didn't want to talk to him, but I knew I should.

"I guess I'll talk to him." I said after awhile. Danny threw his fists in the air as a cheer and smiled brightly. He looked so happy, I just wished there was a way to find Hailey.


It was nearing one AM when I made it back to the college campus, and man was I exhausted. I parked the car in the boys dormitory parking lot, and stood outside of it for a moment. I locked the car and held the keys tightly in my hand as I entered the building, praying for the best. I walked up the stairs and down the halls until I reached Niall's dorm room, and I stared at the number on the door, 606. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on his door, hoping he was still awake. I heard the sound of feet padding up towards the door then stopped. It was silent, then I heard the feet padding away.

"Niall, please," I said semi-quietly, but he didn't respond, "Please Niall. I want to talk." I hated the feeling of being shut out... Especially from Niall. I stood there silently for awhile, and thought he might think I left if I stood away from the peep hole. I slumped down to the floor and rested my head on the wall, relaxing myself, it might be a long night.

I woke up to the sound of the a door down the hall being shut, and I realized I had slept on the hallway floor. I sat up quickly and wiped the drool of my cheeks, and tried to act like I was doing work.

"Hey there, what are you doing?" I looked up to see the guy who had seen me in Niall's t-shirt again.

"Just working." I said.

"On the floor? Of the guys dormitory hallway?" He said and raised an eyebrow. A rush of embarrassment washed over me, and I felt my cheeks turn red.

"Yep!" I tried to sound casual, but he knew something was up. He sat down next to me and gave me a strange look, he saw I had no school work with me.

"Did something happen between you and who's ever on the other side of that door?" He asked.

"It's none of your business." I snapped at him. It really wasn't his business.

"Damn. Little girl got's some spice!" He winked at me, but I threw him a disgusted look back. "Nahh, don't be like that." He said as he grabbed my hand.

"Don't touch me." I tried to stand up, but he held my hand down with him. "Let go!" I yelled at him, and he smiled, it was amusing him that I wasn't strong enough to break his grasp. Just before I yelled at him again I heard Niall's door open next to me. I looked over to see Niall, he held the door open with a slumped posture, he looked tired.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" Niall yelled at the guy who held my hand.

"Is she yours?" He said back to Niall.

"I don't belong to anyone!" I yelled at him, as I pulled back harder. The guy let go of me, letting me fall back on my ass, it stung, but I was glad he let go. Niall was quick to help me back up, as the guy just sat there laughing. Niall put his hand on my back and directed me towards his room, and we went inside, leaving the guy outside.

"Now you let me in." I say to Niall.

"I couldn't talk last night." He said, looking ashamed. I sighed and held myself together.

"Okay." I said.

"Okay, what?" He said.

"Okay, you can explain yourself. You wanted to explain, now do it." I said sternly. I couldn't let him think I was crawling back to him.

"Uhm. Okay," he took a deep breath, "Tinley wouldn't leave me alone after that day she had asked if I was demon like Liam. And, well, she showed up at my dorm telling me that Liam had left her and that she was heart broken. So naturally, I tried to comfort her, and she got comfortable. She started asking me questions and kept getting closer to me, and they were pissing me off. I felt the urge Kennedy, the urge to feed. I hadn't fed in a while, so it was overwhelming, and I, unwillingly, tried to feed off of her. And, if it wasn't for you, Tinley would be dead." He finished and looked into my eyes. I sighed and struggled to look him back in the eyes. Should I believe him? Before I could speak, Niall said, "Let me take you out tonight. As an apology." Niall said and grabbed my hand. I thought for a moment, but before I could respond, he said, "Great! See you at seven." I didn't say anything, but left his room. After he shut the door behind me I walked to the girls dormitory, and prepared for class. I was still unsure of Niall's story, but it seemed truthful, so why was I worrying? I sent a text to Danny, telling him that I had let Niall explain, and he responded excitedly and asked how it went. I decided not to answer, I would save it for later.

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