Liam Stop!

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I walked out of my last class for the day and, being very stressed out, went to Starbucks. I bought Niall and I a drink and planned on stopping by Niall's dorm as a surprise. I needed to unwind, and his place is the perfect place for it. It took me awhile to walk from my last class to Starbucks, then to Niall's dorm, so I was pretty sure he would be there. As I walked up the stairs and through the halls, I tried to arrange the cups in my arms, so I would have a free hand to open his door. When I reached his room, I had to awkwardly bend over and grab the door handle to keep all my books and our drinks from falling. On the other side of the door a heard a female voice, but I couldn't make sense of what she was saying, who was in there? I struggled to open the door, but once I did I walked inside to see Niall's lips connected to Tinley's. I gasped and I dropped everything I was holding, making Niall and Tinley jump. Tinley sat in Niall's lap as both of their faces went pale from shock. I struggled to hold back the tears and shallow breathing, and picked up my books, shaking the coffee off of them. I left the coffee to spill all over the carpet as I started backing out of the room, and my throat chocked up in sadness and betrayal.

"Wait!" Niall yelled towards me as I turned around to leave the room. My eyes burned from the tears that started to flow down my cheeks, and I started running back down the hall. I didn't want to talk to Niall, I couldn't believe he would do that. I ran out of the dormitory, and stopped for a moment to breathe, and let myself go. I began to cry harder, and leaned against the wall to slide down and sit on the ground. I pulled my knees up to my chest and hid my face, crying quietly into my sleeves. I remembered Justin, and how he cheated on me, and now this.

"Why?" I mumbled to myself through gritted teeth, "I am so stupid for letting myself actually fall in love again." I was more mad at myself, than Niall. I heard someone running down the stairs and towards me, so I looked around the corner to see Niall. He notices me and runs to me, but I quickly get up and grab my stuff to get away.

"Please, wait." Niall said to my back. I stopped, and allowed him to speak, even though I wanted to keep running. "That wasn't what it looked like." He said quietly.

"Well, it looked like you too had something going on." I was still crying, "why?" My breathing was choppy and I was shaking. He didn't say anything back for a moment.

"I can explain." He finally said.

"Yeah, sure. That's what Justin said too." I shot an angry look at him, "I think we need a break." I stopped, and realized what I just said, and stepped back. Nialls eyes started to fill with tears, and he whispered, "Please." But all I did was look at my shoes and shake my head, and walked away. I could still feel him staring at my back the entire time I was in his view, and I struggled to keep myself from turning back around and begging for his forgiveness. Even though I wasn't the one who cheated, I caught myself wanting to cover up everything, and act like nothing happened. But I couldn't let myself be weak.

After I made it to my room, I plopped down on my bed and cried into my pillows, I was still shaking. I sat up after awhile, and saw my mascara smudged across my cheeks and the pillow, and tried to clean myself up. I was able to calm my breathing and shakiness, and decided I needed to talk to someone. So I got up and walked back over to the boys dormitory, and grabbed the key to the car Niall had under the plant in the hallway. I got into the car and drove a ways away from the college campus to an apartment complex, where Louis, Zayn, Harry, and Liam lived. Maybe Liam would understand, he knew what love was... Hopefully. I collected myself and thought of what to say before I knocked. I felt myself loosing grip again, and my chest started heaving a little, and I wondered why no one was answering the door. I couldn't wait much longer, so I just opened the door. I knew what might be on the other side, I knew I could be walking right into my grave, but at this moment, I didn't care. No one was inside, and no one answered when I called out. I looked around for a moment, and didn't see anyone, so I turned to leave, but stopped when I heard someone.

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