extended summary

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When Evangeline Caspian was only six years old, her parents were killed. At the time, she didn't know or understand what had happened and why it had happened. Though, as she got older, she learned the truth about their deaths and the lives that they never wanted to live. The life that they never wanted for their children.

Evangeline and her older sister Vivian were forced to live with their only remaining relatives, their aunt, uncle, and cousins. Archibald and Matilda Luther were as cruel as it gets. They were nasty and abusive. Worse of all, they were Death Eaters. Not only did her aunt and uncle expect their own kids to follow in their footsteps and serve the Dark Lord, but they expected the Caspian sisters to do so as well. Neither sister wanted it though.

When it was time for Evangeline to start her fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she immediately felt as though things would be different. Her feelings proved to be right when she finds herself befriending people she had despised since she first started her schooling at Hogwarts and growing feelings for a boy whose hair is too red hair and who blushes way too much.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

*Disclaimer* I do not own Harry Potter or any of it's plots, characters, or dialogue. Anything pertaining to the books belongs to J.K. Rowling. Any dialogue that is not mine is either from the books or the movies. I do however own my original characters (Evangeline, Vivian, the Luthers, Caspian parents, Cleo, and any other characters that I decide to add in), plots, and dialogues. Anything that is not from the books or movies is mine. Do not steal my characters, plots, dialogues, or ideas.
All Rights Reserved.

Hello everyone and welcome to Youth! I never would've imagined writing a fanfiction for this series but I have been watching the movies non stop recently and this idea came to mind. This book is based off of the movies seeing as I've never read any of the books. But I will try to make the characters as true to themselves as possible and maybe try to add some aspects from the book into this. Keep in mind though, I've never read the books nor do I own any of them so most of the info. from the books will be gotten from online sources. Just to clarify, this is going to be a Ron Weasley fanfic. Please be patient with me and updating. I will try to update as regularly as possible but I don't know if I'll be able to update every week. Anyway, I'm very excited for this book and I hope that you all enjoy it.

Warning: there will be mentions of abuse in this story. I will put a warning in any chapter where abuse is present.


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