xxix. catching up

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The past week and a half had been quite enjoyable for Evangeline. She got to know Mr. and Mrs. Weasley a lot better. She had caught up with Ginny, Fred, and George as well as Ron. After a few days though, Fred and George had gone back to Diagon Alley to work at their shop, making Evangeline promise to come and visit. However, things temporarily took a turn when Mrs. Weasley began talking about not wanting any of them to return to Hogwarts, claiming that it was too dangerous to return. Maybe she was right.

Remus and Tonks had owled her and Vivian about the topic a few days earlier. They were rethinking letting them return because of the worsening conditions happening in the Wizarding World. Vivian had managed to convince them, mainly Remus who had needed the most convincing, to continue to let them go. But only barely. Despite it all, she was having a good time at the Burrow. And it only got better when Hermione Granger arrived.

The girl had come to stay with the Weasleys for the next few days leading up to their return to Hogwarts and Evangeline was thrilled to see her. The two girls had been owling one another all summer long. Hermione had told Evangeline about all the places that she and her family went and Evangeline had told Hermione some of the different things that she had learned about her own parents. When the Granger girl had arrived, she and Evangeline spent the whole day together. A few days later, the girls were sat in Hermione's room. Evangeline was wearing one of Ron's jumpers, playing with her hair as she listened to Hermione.

"So, you met a boy?" Evangeline asked. Hermione had just finished telling her about her skiing trip where she and her parents had a seemingly good time. On her journey to the top of the mountain, Hermione had chatted with a boy. The Granger girl rolled her eyes. "Really? That's all you got out of this whole story?" She asked. "It's the only important thing that I got," Evangeline replied.

"Evie!" She groaned. "Hermione!" Evangeline mocked. The two girls glared at one another before bursting into a fit of giggles. When they had calmed down, Evangeline was the first to speak. "Was he cute?" She asked. Hermione hid her face in her hands and Evangeline smiled. "He was!" She cried, clasping her hands together. Hermione remained silent.

"What did you guys talk about?" Evangeline asked, making herself more comfortable on Hermione's bed. "Snow. We talked about snow and the cold," Hermione said, growing embarrassed. Evangeline gaped at her in shock, "You're joking." Hermione shook her head and the Caspian girl went into a laughing fit.

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