iv. carriage rides & new professors

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The remaining five slowly followed after the Caspian girl and entered the carriage. It was a bit crammed and Evangeline silently cursed her sister and her immaturity. Harry and Neville were sat on opposite sides of her, the latter's elbow jamming into Evangeline's side. She sent him a sharp glare and he quickly apologized.

Hermione gave Evangeline a small smile and the girl only nodded in response. She surveyed her nails, avoiding looking at the others around her. Ronald shifted uncomfortably in his seat, eyeing the Caspian girl cautiously. She ignored their stares and attempted to get comfortable in her seat. Once they were all seated, Hermione spoke.

"Everyone, this is Loony Love—" She cut herself off, her eyes going wide. Cleo scratched her head, her own eyes wide as she made a face that said 'yikes'. "Luna Lovegood," Hermione finished, avoiding everyone's eyes. Evangeline eyed Hermione, wondering what that slip up was about before deciding that she didn't care. She tuned the group out as the carriage began making its way to the castle.

"So, Evangeline. How was your summer?" Hermione asked, pulling Evangeline back into the conversation. Evangeline sat up in her seat, clearing her throat and staring at the girl in front of her. "It was great. Yeah, I just had a blast and now I'm back here, with you people and contemplating whether or not I should jump out of this carriage and let it run me over," she sneered.

Hermione looked down at her hands and nodded. Although she was fairly used to Evangeline's attitude, she sometimes forgot just how blunt and rude she could be. "She was only being polite. No need to be rude about it," the Weasley boy snapped, his eyes narrowed at the Caspian girl. Evangeline's head whipped around to face him. "I wasn't talking to you, weasel. I was answering Hermione's question. Are you Hermione?" She said.

"Yeah well, I don't appreciate the way you were speaking to her," he replied. "Ron, it's okay. I'm used to it," Hermione said, immediately regretting it after the words left her mouth. "You shouldn't have to be used to it," Ron said. "There's no reason to be upset," Luna spoke up. "She's only projecting her feelings in the form of contempt and anger to hide the fact that she's hurting on the inside," the blonde girl continued.

Evangeline scoffed. "Oh, you just know me so well," she replied sarcastically. "I mean, it's pretty obvious," Luna said with a shrug. All eyes turned to Evangeline, awaiting her next course of action. "Maybe instead of trying to psychoanalyze me, you should worry about making sure that everything's all right in that head of yours," Evangeline said, tapping her head for added affect. "By the way, your magazine is upside down," she added.

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