vii. stupid ronald weasley

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The next two weeks were spent with Evangeline slowly beginning to study for her O.W.L. exams. She had decided to heed her sister's advice and began preparing earlier than necessary. She wanted to get high scores on the exams and wouldn't settle for anything less than Exceeds Expectations. Her grades were something that she took seriously, even though there were times that she'd rather relax then study.

At the moment, Evangeline was reading through her Herbology textbook, jotting down notes on the Spiky Bush. She was trying to refresh her memory on the plant seeing as she learned about it her second year at Hogwarts. She was sat on her bed, alone in her room. Cleo had went to the library to do her homework and Hermione was most likely with Harry and Ronald.

Evangeline flipped to the next page in the textbook. Her eyes read over the words on the page, her mind soaking up the information. The door of her dorm abruptly slammed open, Evangeline jumping at the sound. Her eyes snapped to the door, heart racing. The first thing she saw was a head of curly light brown hair and she relaxed slightly.

"Merlin, Granger! Scare me to death why don't you," she said in annoyance. Her eyes were narrowed at her roommate who sent her an apologetic look. "Sorry. I was just coming to get my History of Magic textbook," Hermione apologized. Evangeline nodded, "Already preparing for the O.W.L.s too?" Hermione looked up at her in surprise. Evangeline usually didn't speak to her, save for a few words. She was surprised that the girl had continued on with a conversation.

"Uh, yeah. I just wanted to get a head start. Nothing too crazy. Not yet anyway," she responded and Evangeline nodded again. "Yeah, me too. Vivian suggested that I start studying early. I don't know why I didn't think to do that," she said. Hermione nodded, a small smile on her face. Evangeline went back to reading her textbook, thinking that the conversation was done. But Hermione Granger would not let the opportunity of finally getting to converse with the Caspian girl go to waste. She felt as though this was her chance to possibly become friends with Evangeline.

"What're you studying now?" She asked. Evangeline looked up at her, wondering why the girl didn't see that she was done with the conversation. "Herbology," she answered. Hermione nodded, taking a seat on her own bed. "Maybe we could study together. You know, if you want," she proposed. Evangeline pursed her lips, her eyes looking the girl up and down.

"I prefer to study alone," she responded. And just like that, any hope that maybe the Caspian girl was turning over a new leaf, that she was finally willing to make friends with her roommate, had vanished from Hermione's mind. The Granger girl nodded her head. "Yeah of course. I understand," she said. Evangeline nodded as well before turning back to her textbook. And that was the end of the conversation.

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