xli. irrelevant dimbo

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Evangeline wasn't sure how she felt about being back at Hogwarts. She never knew how she felt going back these days. The train ride back was silent. Vivian and Evangeline sat in a compartment furthest away from everyone else. Well, as far as they could get at least. Evangeline wasn't in the mood to speak to any of her friends.

Although, she would eventually speak to Harry to make sure he was okay. She just didn't want him to bring up the letter. But it seemed that Evangeline Celesta Caspian would never get what she wanted. "Did you get my letter?" Was the first thing that the Potter boy asked when he set his eyes on her as she walked down the Hogwarts corridors. Hermione was by his side, a newspaper in her hands. "Hello, Harry. I'm good. My Christmas was both good and terrible. How are you?" She replied.

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. "Hey, Evangeline. How are you? How was your Christmas? Did you get my letter?" He reiterated. It was Evangeline's turn to roll her eyes.

"Yes, I got it," she answered.

"And?" He asked.

"And what?" She replied.

"What do you mean 'and what'? Come on Evangeline, you have to have some sort of opinion on it," Harry said.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't read the whole letter," she said. He stopped walking down the corridor. Evangeline stopped as well whilst Hermione kept walking, not noticing that her friends were no longer walking beside her.

"You didn't read the whole letter?" He asked in bewilderment.

"It was about Ron and what you thought was going on with him. Well, I already know. He stopped having feelings for me and grew them for someone else," she said.

Hermione, who had now noticed that her friends were not by her side, made her way back to them, her eyebrows raised in question. "No. That's not true. Surely you don't—"

Evangeline cut him off. "Maybe I don't believe it. Maybe I do. I don't know. What I do know is that I don't care anymore. Okay? So just stop bringing it up," she said.

"I will do no such thing," Harry replied.

Evangeline rolled her eyes and started walking again. "I'm not the only one who finds his actions to be strange," Harry said as he too began walking again. Evangeline shrugged her shoulders.

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