xiv. budding friendships

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The next few weeks had flown by quickly. Evangeline had gotten back to studying for her O.W.L. exams, feeling more confident in all of her classes. Except Arithmancy. Arithmancy was killing her.

She hadn't spoken to Gemma, save for the few two or three worded sentences. Evangeline didn't really care though and she knew that Gemma didn't either.

Over these past few weeks, Evangeline had seen herself growing closer to the people that she had once strongly disliked. Because of all the Dumbledore's Army meetings, she had been spending more time with Harry, Cleo, Ron, and Hermione. The four had seen a change in her, one that Evangeline herself noticed as well. She wasn't sure how she felt about it yet but she was sure that it was good.

She found herself enjoying the time she spent with the four and was even finding Fred and George to be less annoying. She was smiling a little bit more, though the only people to had seen it besides Vivian were Neville, who nearly fainted at the sight, Hermione, who was equally as surprised, and Ginny Weasley, who remained unfazed.

With each meeting of the Army, Evangeline felt as though she was more skilled than she ever was. Within the last few meetings, she had mastered the disarming spell, stunning spell, and levitation spell. And it was all thanks to Harry Potter. She didn't think she would ever be able to thank the boy enough for what he was doing.

And with each passing week came more of Umbridge's decrees. The woman knew that something was up and it wouldn't be long until she found out what it was if they weren't more careful.

Evangeline was currently sat at breakfast, a small notebook opened in front of her. After what had happened the first time that she had tried the stunning spell, the girl had been trying to piece together things from the flash of the memory that she had seen, writing down anything she could remember. She was very unsuccessful with her task, not remembering much of anything at all. The only thing she had to go on was what Ron told her about a letter.


Evangeline wanted to roll her eyes at the name. The boy had been breathing down her neck for a few days after the incident. He felt as though something was wrong with her. This was because she had been somewhat nicer to everyone. He thought she was broken, like a toy or something. She had threatened to beat him with a stick if he didn't leave her alone. It was safe to say that he believed that she was okay after that.

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