xxiv. department of mysteries mayhem

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The group of nine had flown to London on Thestrals. Only four out of the nine could see them, Evangeline not being one of them. She had trouble getting on and holding onto something that she couldn't even see. It was safe to say that she was absolutely terrified.

The trip to London was far too long and she honestly felt uncomfortable on the flight there. Not being able to see the Thestrals was really bothering her. Although, she preferred not being able to see them, knowing what it would mean if she did.

When they finally arrived at their destination, Evangeline felt as though she could breathe again. The nine quickly made their way into the building and ran down the corridor and to an elevator that was barely big enough to fit them all. The elevator took them down the Ministry of Magic and to the Department of Mysteries. When it stopped on the floor, a robotic voice informed them of where they were.

The elevator doors opened and they all stepped out, wands at the ready. Evangeline found herself gripping onto the locket that she had received for her birthday all those years ago. A nervous habit of hers that she thought she had broken. The nine slowly walked down the long, brick hallway, Harry leading them. He stopped walking, the rest following in suit. "This is it," he told them matter of factly.

Evangeline stared ahead of her, her grip on the necklace tightening. Harry continued walking again, the group following behind him. He opened the door and they all entered the dark room. "Lumos," Evangeline whispered. The tip of her wand lit up in a blue glow. The teenagers around her followed what she had done, filling up the dark space with light.

The room before them had rows and rows of shelves, all of them filled with strange looking glass spheres. The door that they had entered through boomed before sliding away from them. Evangeline watched it leave, seeing more rows of shelves holding glass spheres. Everyone turned to look at Harry. The boy took a breath before turning back around and walking forward.

As Evangeline got a closer look at the spheres, she realized that they were crystal balls. A blueish white sort of mist swirled around inside of the balls. Evangeline's grip tightened around her wand and she let go of her necklace. An eerie feeling began to settle within her bones. She didn't like this place. Something felt completely off.

Harry walked ahead of them, looking at the rows of shelves, trying to find whatever he had seen in his vision. A hand brushed against Evangeline's and she knew it was Ron's without even looking up. She took ahold of his hand, intertwining their fingers together and gripping it tightly in her own as the group continued to follow behind Harry. He stopped a ways away from them and looked around.

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