xviii. christmas joy

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

A week had gone by and Christmas was fast approaching, only a few days away. Evangeline and Vivian had just gotten done with ice skating in London, both girls tired. Tilky had prepared a nice lunch for them, the girls thanking her immensely.

The Luther family were all out of the house. Gemma had gone to visit Draco and the Malfoy family, something that made Evangeline roll her eyes. That girl was practically obsessed with the Malfoy boy. Barry had gone for a walk and neither sister knew where the Luther parents had gone.

Evangeline enjoyed the fact that it was just her and her sister there. She was in no mood to deal with her relatives. Evangeline had briefly sat at the piano, playing a couple of songs before lunch was prepared per Vivian's request. Vivian loved hearing her sister play the piano. When Tilky had made lunch for them, they went to the table to eat.

The two sisters conversed until they finished their lunch, remaining seated at the table. Tilky brought the girls cookies and Vivian smiled. "Thank you, Tilky," she said. "You're welcome Miss Vivian," Tilky responded, turning to walk away when Evangeline stopped her.

"Hey Tilky." The house elf turned around. "Yes Miss Evangeline?" She asked. "Have any letters been delivered?" She asked. "Oh, yes Miss Evangeline. I'll bring it right to you," Tilky replied before quickly scurrying off to retrieve the letter. "You expecting a letter from your boyfriend?" Vivian questioned with a smirk. "My boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend doofus," Evangeline replied.

"Sure you do. He has red hair and blue eyes. A cute smile and a last name that's almost an animal. Hangs out with a really smart witch and a certain Chosen One," Vivian said. Evangeline's heart began to beat faster in her chest and her eyes narrowed, "He's not my boyfriend." She then scowled, not liking the feeling that she was experiencing. Vivian shrugged, "Not yet, but it's bound to happen eventually." Evangeline rolled her eyes, "No, it's not."

"Oh just admit it, you fancy him. You fancy Ronald Weasley!" Vivian exclaimed. Evangeline flinched at the loudness of her voice. "I do not fancy Ronald. Why would you even think that?" She asked. "Ever since the whole D.A. thing, you've been spending a lot of time with him," Vivian said. "I've been spending time with a lot of people, not just him," Evangeline pointed out. "Yeah but you're spending a lot more time with him. You're tutoring him," Vivian said.

Evangeline scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Because he needs help with Astronomy," she defended. Vivian rolled her eyes, "You don't really believe that, do you?" Evangeline scowled, "He literally asked me what gravity was, Vivian. Gravity!" Vivian chuckled, "That's funny." She then got serious again. "Hermione told me that you were super happy when he told you that you were pretty," she said. Evangeline rolled her eyes again, "Because I was flattered by his compliment."

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