xxxvi. quidditch matches

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Today was the first Gryffindor Quidditch match of the season. Excitement filled the air and chatter was ongoing. Evangeline sat with Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Cleo. The three Quidditch players were dressed in their red and gold jumpers. Cleo and Ginny chatted about the upcoming game whilst Evangeline slathered butter onto her toast.

Harry ate his breakfast whilst Hermione read the newspaper. Ron came into the Great Hall then, clad in his red and gold jumper, a bundle of nerves. He sat down next to Evangeline. In front of him was a plate of toast and eggs. He looked down at it in mild disgust. Evangeline raised her eyebrows at him. "Are you not hungry?" She asked and he shook his head.

"Hm, that's a first," she muttered before taking a bite of her toast. He looked over at Harry and Hermione then.

"I never asked how it went," he said.
"What?" Hermione asked. "Your dinner party," Ron clarified. "Oh, pretty boring actually. Though I think Harry enjoyed dessert," Hermione answered and Evangeline snickered. "Yeah, he definitely did," she added on, taking another bite of her toast.

Harry sent them both looks of annoyance. "Slughorn's having Christmas due, you know? And we're meant to bring someone," Hermione told Ron. The boy furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Evangeline who was taking a sip of her juice. "I assumed that Evangeline had already talked to you about it," Hermione said, sending the girl a look.

"This is the first time I'm hearing of this," Ron replied, looking at Evangeline again and furrowing his eyebrows. "Oh, I forgot all about that," she muttered. Ron rolled his eyes, a small smile coming to his face.

"Ron, would you like to accompany me to Slughorn's Christmas party? It'll be totally boring without you there," she said sweetly. He rolled his eyes again but nodded nonetheless. "Of course I'll go with you," he responded. Evangeline turned to Hermione. "So, who are you bringing?" She asked.

"I asked Aldon if he wanted to go with me," Hermione answered.

Cleo's eyebrows raised as her attention shifted to Hermione, "Like a date?" Hermione bit her lip and nodded. "Well, what did he say?" Ron asked. "He said he'd love to go with me," she replied. Evangeline bounced up and down in excitement. "Finally," she exclaimed. "Oh, shut up," Hermione said with a smile of her own.

Just then, blondie approached the group. She tapped Ron on the shoulder and he turned to her. "Good luck today, Ron," she said before getting more serious. "I know you'll be brilliant," she added. "Uh, thanks," he said and she walked away. Evangeline watched her leave through narrowed eyes before picking up her toast and taking another bite.

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