i. a dreaful feeling

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Warning: Mentions of abuse.


That was the only emotion that Evangeline Caspian felt during the week leading up to her return to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Some might consider her feeling this way strange, seeing as going back to Hogwarts was exciting to most. Even she was a little confused about her feeling this way. She was usually thrilled about going back.

Well, maybe not thrilled but, she definitely preferred Hogwarts over her home. If she could even call it that. The only time that Evangeline felt dread like this was at the end of term, when she'd have to go back to the place she hated the most. And that was the Caspian manor.

A place that was once filled with joy and comfort and warmth, was now filled with misery and emptiness and cold. It was no longer the home that she once knew. Not after her parents' deaths. After that tragic event, Evangeline and her older sister Vivian were forced to live with their aunt, uncle, and cousins. They had no other family and their parents hadn't left any sort of guidance as to what would happen to their children if something were to happen to them.

So, the Luther family moved into the Caspian manor, which was much larger than their own home at the time, and began ruining the two remaining Caspian's lives.

It wasn't so bad at first. There was an obvious shift in the mood and aura of the house. But their aunt and uncle were nice enough. It was not too long after, that the two girls realized that it was an act. The true colors of Archibald and Matilda Luther were shown. Archibald was the worse one of the two. He practically tortured the two girls whilst Matilda, their father's sister, stood by and did nothing.

But she was no saint, despite what she wanted people to believe. For Matilda Luther could be just as cruel as her husband.

At first it was verbal, the abuse. The two would verbally attack their nieces. Even their cousins would begin to join in on the fun. And then it turned to emotional abuse. The Luther's found a way to manipulate the two in such a way, that even Vivian, who was the most strong willed between she and her sister, had trouble keeping herself together. Last was the physical abuse.

Luckily for the two, this didn't come often. But from the moment that Mr. Luther delivered a mean slap to Evangeline's face for talking back, she knew it wouldn't be the last. Because in that moment, Archibald Luther realized just how much power he had over his nieces. And he fed off of power.

As Evangeline sat on the edge of her bed, the dread began to settle into her stomach. Along with it came an unknown tingly feeling that was slowly spreading throughout her body. She didn't know what this feeling was. But a part of her felt as though this year, would be a turning point in her life.

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