xxx. suspicious activity

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Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes truly was a sight. The store was bright and colorful and filled to the brim with stuff. Fireworks and multiple other objects flew throughout the store, Evangeline constantly ducking to avoid getting hit. She, Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny had all went to the store to check things out.

George and Fred were really good at this. They did an amazing job with the store, everything looked amazing. And, they were incredible salesmen. They almost convinced Evangeline to buy a Screaming Yo-Yo. Almost.

She was currently looking at different objects whilst Hermione and Ginny were looking at a batch of love potions. Fred and George had approached them, matching smiles on their faces. "Hello, ladies," they said simultaneously. "Love potions, eh?" One questioned. "Yeah. They really do work," the other said. "Then again the way we hear it, sis, you're doing just fine on your own."

Evangeline turned to face them, her eyebrows raised. "Meaning?" Ginny asked. "Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" Evangeline turned to look at Ginny. This was the first time she was hearing about this. "That's none of your business," Ginny replied, putting down the love potion and walking away from the table. Evangeline walked closer to where Hermione stood.

"Why are you looking at love potions again?" She asked. Hermione quickly placed the potion down. "No reason. I'm just looking," she replied. Evangeline nodded disbelievingly. She looked around the store to see Cormac McLaggen looking at Hermione. Evangeline's face scrunched up in disgust. Hermione seemed to notice him staring and grew uncomfortable.

A few feet away from Cormac stood Aldon Carlisle, who was also staring at Hermione. Evangeline looked at Hermione who was looking at Aldon with wide eyes. Evangeline turned away. "What is happening?" She whispered to herself. She walked away from her friend. She continued to make her way through the store, looking for something that could benefit her.

She found a bruise removal paste and picked it up, flipping it over and reading what it said. "Guaranteed to remove any bruise in only an hour," she read to herself. "Could be useful," she said before going to look for a price. When she couldn't find one, she decided to go and find one of the Weasley twins.

Evangeline found them on the stairs talking to Ron and she quickly made her way over to them. "Oi, how much for this?" She asked once she reached them. "Well, it's usually six galleons," Fred answered. "But for you, it's on the house," George said. Evangeline smiled, "Really?" The two nodded. "In fact, you can have whatever you like, on the house," Fred continued.

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